SIParCS Projects
The Summer Internships in Parallel Computational Science (SIParCS) offers students an opportunity to work in CISL to gain significant hands-on experience in high-performance computing and related fields that use HPC for scientific discovery and modeling.
Learn more about the SIParCS internship.
Here is a summary of past GeoCAT-sponsored SIParCS projects:
- Andy McKeen @andy-theia Vermont State University Lyndon "Expanding GeoCAT's Climatology Resources to Support the Transition from NCL to Python" Anissa Zacharias, Katelyn FitzGerald, (2024).
- Rachel Tam @rytam2 University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign "Scaling UXarray: Bridging the Gap for High-Performance Unstructured Grid Analysis through Dask and Documentation Enhancements" Orhan Eroglu, Philip Chmielowiec, (2024).
- Yuta Norden @yutik-nn University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa "Opening my Science: A Jupyter Book on Analyzing Sea Level Variability with Xarray" Julia Kent, Deepak Cherian, Scott Henderson, Jessica Scheick, (2023).
- Ian Franda @ifranda University of Wisconsin–Madison "Python Data Analysis and Visualization for Unstructured Grids Data" Orhan Eroglu, Philip Chmielowiec, (2023).
- Daphne Quint @doqhne University of Colorado, Boulder "Expanding GeoCAT's Visualization Capabilities" Anissa Zacharias, Michaela Sizemore, (2022).
- Haniye Kashgarani @haniyeka University of Wyoming "Exploring Performance of GeoCAT Data Analysis Routines on GPUs" Cena Miller, Supreeth Suresh, Anissa Zacharias, (2022).
- Philip Chmielowiec @philipc2 University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign "Python Visualization, Analysis, & Jupyter Notebook Development for Unstructured Grids" Orhan Eroglu, Alea Kootz, Anissa Zacharias, Michaela Sizemore, (2022).
- Alina Guha @alinejg Grinnell College "Python Reimplementation of Fortran Subroutines: Bilinear Interpolation" Alea Kootz, Orhan Eroglu, (2022).
- Jiaqi Li @jiaqi-beep Middlebury College "Expanding and Strengthening the Transition from NCL to Python Visualizations" Julia Kent, Orhan Eroglu, Michaela Sizemore, Anissa Zacharias, (2021).
- Erin Lincoln @erinlincoln Brown University "Expanding and strengthening the transition from NCL to Python visualizations" Julia Kent, Orhan Eroglu, Anissa Zacharias, Michaela Sizemore, (2021).
- Heather Craker @hcraker Purdue University "Climatology Calculation Support in the GeoCAT Ecosystem" Alea Kootz, Orhan Eroglu, (2021).
- Claire Fiorino @clairefio San Diego State University "Building the Python Equivalent of the NCL Visualization Gallery" John Clyne, Kevin Paul, (2020).
- Heather Craker @hcraker Purdue University "Building the Python Equivalent of the NCL Visualization Gallery" Julia Kent, Kevin Paul, John Clyne, (2020).