mom6_bathy.topo module

class mom6_bathy.topo.Topo(grid, min_depth)

Bases: object

Bathymetry Generator for MOM6 grids (mom6_bathy.grid.Grid).

MOM6 Simpler Models bathymetry constructor.

  • grid (mom6_bathy.grid.Grid) – horizontal grid instance for which the bathymetry is to be created.

  • min_depth (float) – Minimum water column depth. Columns with shallow depths are to be masked out.

apply_land_frac(landfrac_filepath, landfrac_name, xcoord_name, ycoord_name, depth_fillval=0.0, cutoff_frac=0.5, method='bilinear')

Given a dataset containing land fraction, generate and apply ocean mask.

  • landfrac_filepath (str) – Path the netcdf file containing the land fraction field.

  • landfrac_name (str) – The field name corresponding to the land fraction (e.g., “landfrac”).

  • xcoord_name (str) – The name of the x coordinate of the landfrac dataset (e.g., “lon”).

  • ycoord_name (str) – The name of the y coordinate of the landfrac dataset (e.g., “lat”).

  • depth_fillval (float) – The depth value for dry cells.

  • cutoff_frac (float) – Cells with landfrac > cutoff_frac are deemed land cells.

  • method (str) – Mapping method for determining the ocean mask (lnd -> ocn)

apply_ridge(height, width, lon, ilat)

Apply a ridge to the bathymetry.

  • height (float) – Height of the ridge to be added.

  • width (float) – Width of the ridge to be added.

  • lon (float) – Longitude where the ridge is to be centered.

  • ilat (pair of integers) – Initial and final latitude indices for the ridge.

property depth

MOM6 grid depth array. Positive below MSL.

classmethod from_topo_file(grid, topo_file_path)

Create a bathymetry object from an existing topog file.

  • grid (mom6_bathy.grid.Grid) – horizontal grid instance for which the bathymetry is to be created.

  • topo_file_path (str) – Path to an existing MOM6 topog file.

property max_depth

Maximum water column depth.

property min_depth

Minimum water column depth. Columns with shallow depths are to be masked out.

set_bowl(max_depth, dedge, rad_earth=6378000.0, expdecay=400000.0)

Create a bowl-shaped bathymetry. Same effect as setting the TOPO_CONFIG parameter to “bowl”.

  • max_depth (float) – Maximum depth of model in the units of D.

  • dedge (float) – The depth [Z ~> m], at the basin edge

  • rad_earth (float, optional) – Radius of earth

  • expdecay (float, optional) – A decay scale of associated with the sloping boundaries [m]


Apply a bathymetry read from an existing topog file


topog_file_path (str) – absolute path to an existing MOM6 topog file


Create a flat bottom bathymetry with a given depth D.


D (float) – Bathymetric depth of the flat bottom to be generated.

set_spoon(max_depth, dedge, rad_earth=6378000.0, expdecay=400000.0)

Create a spoon-shaped bathymetry. Same effect as setting the TOPO_CONFIG parameter to “spoon”.

  • max_depth (float) – Maximum depth of model in the units of D.

  • dedge (float) – The depth [Z ~> m], at the basin edge

  • rad_earth (float, optional) – Radius of earth

  • expdecay (float, optional) – A decay scale of associated with the sloping boundaries [m]

property tmask

Ocean domain mask at T grid. 1 if ocean, 0 if land.


Write the CICE grid file in netcdf format. The written file is to be read in by CICE during runtime.


file_path (str) – Path to CICE grid file to be written.

write_esmf_mesh(file_path, title=None)

Write the ESMF mesh file

  • file_path (str) – Path to ESMF mesh file to be written.

  • title (str, optional) – File title.

write_scrip_grid(file_path, title=None)

Write the SCRIP grid file

  • file_path (str) – Path to SCRIP file to be written.

  • title (str, optional) – File title.

write_topo(file_path, title=None)

Write the TOPO_FILE (bathymetry file) in netcdf format. The written file is to be read in by MOM6 during runtime.

  • file_path (str) – Path to TOPO_FILE to be written.

  • title (str, optional) – File title.