Getting started with the CESM Lab container

The following instructions describe how to download Docker, get the CESM-Lab container, and run the CESM-Lab for NEON tower sites.

If you prefer to see a slide deck with more images, see this Docker Tutorial.

In this tutorial:

  1. Download and install Docker

  2. Download the CESM-Lab container within Docker

  3. Set up a directory where simulations will be stored on your computer

  4. Run and connect to the CESM-Lab container

  5. Access the NEON Tower Simulation tutorial

  6. End your session

Steps 1-3 only need to be completed once. You can continue to use the container system starting at step 4.

If you already have Docker installed on your computer, start at Step 2.

1. Download & Install Docker

Docker is available for free from this website.

Follow the instructions to install the Docker Desktop App. The Getting Started guide on Docker has detailed instructions for setting up Docker on Mac, Windows, or Linux.


To access the container, you can interface with Docker using the Desktop App or using a command line.


If you have trouble installing the latest Docker, please try Docker 3.x. Some newer versions of Docker may be incompatible with your operating system.

See also

If you are unfamiliar with Docker or are having trouble, you may find the following links helpful:

2. Download the CESM-Lab Container

This only needs to be done one time – you can keep using this container any time you run NEON simulations. Please note that this step can take a little time as it will download ~5GB of data (time will vary based on internet speed).

2.1. Getting CESM-Lab: using a Linux command-line

  • Mac: find “Terminal” in your Utilities

  • Windows: Run the ‘PowerShell’ from the Start menu

2.2. Download the CTSM Docker Container

In your Terminal or PowerShell window, type:

docker pull escomp/cesm-lab-neon


Docker needs to be running on your computer before using the docker pull command above. You can run Docker by either opening the app or typing “docker login” in the command line.

3. Set up a directory for your simulations

This step is used to create a directory that will map into the container. The directory will store all the files required to run a simulation so they are saved when you exit the container.

3.1. Create a location for the container

These instructions create a new folder Simulations on your desktop.

You may customize the name and location of the folder. If you change the name or location you will need to update the container location in the next step.

In your terminal or PowerShell window, type:

mkdir \$HOME/Desktop/Simulations

Confirm that this step worked properly. Do you see the Simulations folder on your desktop?

4. Run & connect to CESM-Lab container

To access CESM-Lab, you need to first run or launch the container and then connect to it.

The next steps launch the container (4.1) and then ‘forwards’ a web browser to it (4.2), with descriptions included below the commands to help understand what it is doing. Note that this step uses the command line to run the container (recommended).

If you prefer to use the GUI interface within the Docker App, see the alternate instructions on this tutorial.

There are two options for running the container.

4.1. Running CESM-Lab using a Linux command-line

In your terminal or PowerShell window, type:

  docker run -it --rm -p 9999:8888 -v \$HOME/Desktop/Simulations:/home/user escomp/cesm-lab-neon

Description of some flags or options that are available for running the docker run:

  • -it --rm = ‘Ease-of-use’ options: interactive & clean-up

  • -p = Port number

  • -v = Directory to mount into the container (first half), and the container’s mount location

  • "escomp/cesm-..." = Container Image Name

Your terminal screen will show the following:

CESM-Lab Terminal


Note that you can change the first part of the port number (9999) to a different number to run multiple instances of the container, but you will need to change the port number in the next step.

4.b. Connect to CESM-Lab using a web browser

Open a new web browser window.

In the search bar type:



Note that it may take a few seconds to load. If you are having trouble loading the page, try refreshing.


This connects to an interface. Note the ‘9999’ at the end of this number is the same as the beginning of the port in step 4 above.

If you launch more than one container at a time, you will need to change the port number.

5. Accessing the NEON Tower Simulation Tutorial

Your browser window will open a Jupyter Notebook environment.

  • Double-click on the tutorials folder on the left, then

  • Open the NEON_Tower_Simulation_Tutorial

Jupyter-Lab screenshot

Follow the tutorial instructions to run a NEON tower site simulation. Once you complete this tutorial, you can use the NEON_Visualization_Tutorial to explore and evaluate the data.


  • If you want to access the container again in the future and do not end your session, you can open a web browser and point to the container (Step 4.2).

  • If you end your session (Step 6) or restart your computer, you can restart the container from Step 4.

6. Ending your session

When you are ready to close your session, you will need to identify and kill your terminal sessions.

Identify active sessions by typing the following into terminal:

    docker ps 


You may need to open a new terminal window to do the following command.

Once the container ID has been identified, kill the job by typing the following into terminal:

    docker kill <session ID> 

If the docker run command was not run in the background, you might find that you cannot type anything into the open terminal window. Either open a new terminal window to identify and kill sessions, or you can use ctrl+c to kill all active sessions.

See also

Need help with the CESM-Lab container?

Post your questions on the Containers forum in the CESM Bulletin Board ( Note that this resource will require you to register and log in so that you can be notified of responses to your inquiries.