Introduction to Setting Up, Running, and Computing with Pi-WRF

  • Creator: Reid Olson, University Wyoming (SIPARCS ‘21) and Olivia Firth
  • Date Added: October 8th, 2021
  • Github Repository:
  • Description: Learn to run WRF forecast on a Raspberry Pi, interpret output, and understand what defines a supercomputer.
  • Audience: general, k12, college
  • Standards used:


This teaching box provides an introduction to the Pi-WRF project, with a shift towards a community-driven framework. This new framework provides a more accessible user interface, simplifying interaction with the weather model as well as modification and development of Pi-WRF modules. These benefits offered by the new framework are provided by the setup of the framework, which connects Jupyter Notebooks to the existing Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, and runs smoothly on a Raspberry Pi.