XML variables#

Introduction to XML variables#

In this section, you will learn how to resubmit a run and how to change the run length. Much of the control of the running of your CESM simulation is done through XML files. XML stands for Extensible Markup Language. The files that end in .xml in your case directory contain many variables that control the CESM simulation. Figure 1 illustrates the various XML files that exist in the CESM case directory.


Figure 1: CESM structure and the xml files

The most commonly used XML variables are located in env_run.xml. This file contains variables that are used to control the characteristics of your simulation, such as the run length or whether it is a start up run or the continuation of a run. These variables can be changed using the xmlchange command, which has the advantage over editing this file directly, that the change is propagated to all the necessary locations.

List of XML variables#

You can find a listing of all the available XML variables along with their description by running the following commands from your case directory

./xmlquery --listall --description

or for all the variables in a specific file e.g., env_run.xml

./xmlquery --listall --file env_run.xml --description

You can find the same information on the CESM website here.