subroutine, public | mom_entrain_diffusive::entrainment_diffusive (h, tv, fluxes, dt, G, GV, US, CS, ea, eb, kb_out, Kd_Lay, Kd_int) |
| This subroutine calculates ea and eb, the rates at which a layer entrains from the layers above and below. The entrainment rates are proportional to the buoyancy flux in a layer and inversely proportional to the density differences between layers. The scheme that is used here is described in detail in Hallberg, Mon. Wea. Rev. 2000. More...
subroutine | mom_entrain_diffusive::f_to_ent (F, h, kb, kmb, j, G, GV, CS, dsp1_ds, eakb, Ent_bl, ea, eb, do_i_in) |
| This subroutine calculates the actual entrainments (ea and eb) and the amount of surface forcing that is applied to each layer if there is no bulk mixed layer. More...
subroutine | mom_entrain_diffusive::set_ent_bl (h, dtKd_int, tv, kb, kmb, do_i, G, GV, US, CS, j, Ent_bl, Sref, h_bl) |
| This subroutine sets the average entrainment across each of the interfaces between buffer layers within a timestep. It also causes thin and relatively light interior layers to be entrained by the deepest buffer layer. Also find the initial coordinate potential densities (Sref) of each layer. More...
subroutine | mom_entrain_diffusive::determine_dskb (h_bl, Sref, Ent_bl, E_kb, is, ie, kmb, G, GV, limit, dSkb, ddSkb_dE, dSlay, ddSlay_dE, dS_anom_lim, do_i_in) |
| This subroutine determines the reference density difference between the bottommost buffer layer and the first interior after the mixing between mixed and buffer layers and mixing with the layer below. Within the mixed and buffer layers, entrainment from the layer above is increased when it is necessary to keep the layers from developing a negative thickness; otherwise it equals Ent_bl. At each interface, the upward and downward fluxes average out to Ent_bl, unless entrainment by the layer below is larger than twice Ent_bl. The density difference across the first interior layer may also be returned. It could also be limited to avoid negative values or values that greatly exceed the density differences across an interface. Additionally, the partial derivatives of dSkb and dSlay with E_kb could also be returned. More...
subroutine | mom_entrain_diffusive::f_kb_to_ea_kb (h_bl, Sref, Ent_bl, I_dSkbp1, F_kb, kmb, i, G, GV, CS, ea_kb, tol_in) |
| Given an entrainment from below for layer kb, determine a consistent entrainment from above, such that dSkb * ea_kb = dSkbp1 * F_kb. The input value of ea_kb is both the maximum value that can be obtained and the first guess of the iterations. Ideally ea_kb should be an under-estimate. More...
subroutine | mom_entrain_diffusive::determine_ea_kb (h_bl, dtKd_kb, Sref, I_dSkbp1, Ent_bl, ea_kbp1, min_eakb, max_eakb, kmb, is, ie, do_i, G, GV, CS, Ent, error, err_min_eakb0, err_max_eakb0, F_kb, dFdfm_kb) |
| This subroutine determines the entrainment from above by the top interior layer (labeled kb elsewhere) given an entrainment by the layer below it, constrained to be within the provided bounds. More...
subroutine | mom_entrain_diffusive::find_maxf_kb (h_bl, Sref, Ent_bl, I_dSkbp1, min_ent_in, max_ent_in, kmb, is, ie, G, GV, CS, maxF, ent_maxF, do_i_in, F_lim_maxent, F_thresh) |
| Maximize F = ent*ds_kb*I_dSkbp1 in the range min_ent < ent < max_ent. More...
subroutine, public | mom_entrain_diffusive::entrain_diffusive_init (Time, G, GV, US, param_file, diag, CS) |
| This subroutine initializes the parameters and memory associated with the entrain_diffusive module. More...
subroutine, public | mom_entrain_diffusive::entrain_diffusive_end (CS) |
| This subroutine cleans up and deallocates any memory associated with the entrain_diffusive module. More...