module | mom_opacity |
| Routines used to calculate the opacity of the ocean.
integer, parameter | mom_opacity::no_scheme = 0 |
| Coded integers to specify the opacity scheme. More...
integer, parameter | mom_opacity::manizza_05 = 1 |
| Coded integers to specify the opacity scheme. More...
integer, parameter | mom_opacity::morel_88 = 2 |
| Coded integers to specify the opacity scheme. More...
integer, parameter | mom_opacity::single_exp = 3 |
| Coded integers to specify the opacity scheme. More...
integer, parameter | mom_opacity::double_exp = 4 |
| Coded integers to specify the opacity scheme. More...
character *(10), parameter | mom_opacity::manizza_05_string = "MANIZZA_05" |
| String to specify the opacity scheme. More...
character *(10), parameter | mom_opacity::morel_88_string = "MOREL_88" |
| String to specify the opacity scheme. More...
character *(10), parameter | mom_opacity::single_exp_string = "SINGLE_EXP" |
| String to specify the opacity scheme. More...
character *(10), parameter | mom_opacity::double_exp_string = "DOUBLE_EXP" |
| String to specify the opacity scheme. More...
real, parameter | mom_opacity::op_diag_len = 1e-10 |
| Lengthscale L used to remap opacity from op to 1/L * tanh(op * L) More...
subroutine, public | mom_opacity::set_opacity (optics, sw_total, sw_vis_dir, sw_vis_dif, sw_nir_dir, sw_nir_dif, G, GV, CS, chl_2d, chl_3d) |
| This sets the opacity of sea water based based on one of several different schemes. More...
subroutine | mom_opacity::opacity_from_chl (optics, sw_total, sw_vis_dir, sw_vis_dif, sw_nir_dir, sw_nir_dif, G, GV, CS, chl_2d, chl_3d) |
| This sets the "blue" band opacity based on chloophyll A concencentrations The red portion is lumped into the net heating at the surface. More...
real function, public | mom_opacity::opacity_morel (chl_data) |
| This sets the blue-wavelength opacity according to the scheme proposed by Morel and Antoine (1994). More...
real function | mom_opacity::sw_pen_frac_morel (chl_data) |
| This sets the penetrating shortwave fraction according to the scheme proposed by Morel and Antoine (1994). More...
real function, public | mom_opacity::opacity_manizza (chl_data) |
| This sets the blue-wavelength opacity according to the scheme proposed by Manizza, M. et al, 2005. More...
subroutine, public | mom_opacity::extract_optics_slice (optics, j, G, GV, opacity, opacity_scale, penSW_top, penSW_scale) |
| This subroutine returns a 2-d slice at constant j of fields from an optics_type, with the potential for rescaling these fields. More...
subroutine, public | mom_opacity::extract_optics_fields (optics, nbands) |
| Set arguments to fields from the optics type. More...
integer function, public | mom_opacity::optics_nbands (optics) |
| Return the number of bands of penetrating shortwave radiation. More...
subroutine, public | mom_opacity::absorbremainingsw (G, GV, US, h, opacity_band, nsw, optics, j, dt, H_limit_fluxes, adjustAbsorptionProfile, absorbAllSW, T, Pen_SW_bnd, eps, ksort, htot, Ttot, TKE, dSV_dT) |
| Apply shortwave heating below the boundary layer (when running with the bulk mixed layer inhereted from GOLD) or throughout the water column. More...
subroutine, public | mom_opacity::sumswoverbands (G, GV, US, h, nsw, optics, j, dt, H_limit_fluxes, absorbAllSW, iPen_SW_bnd, netPen) |
| This subroutine calculates the total shortwave heat flux integrated over bands as a function of depth. This routine is only called for computing buoyancy fluxes for use in KPP. This routine does not updat e the state. More...
subroutine, public | mom_opacity::opacity_init (Time, G, GV, US, param_file, diag, CS, optics) |
| This routine initalizes the opacity module, including an optics_type. More...
subroutine, public | mom_opacity::opacity_end (CS, optics) |