subroutine, public | mom_wave_interface::get_langmuir_number (LA, G, GV, US, HBL, ustar, i, j, H, U_H, V_H, Override_MA, Waves) |
| Interface to get Langmuir number based on options stored in wave structure. More...
integer | mom_wave_interface::wavemethod =-99 |
| Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
integer, public | mom_wave_interface::numbands =0 |
| Number of wavenumber/frequency partitions to receive This needs to match the number of bands provided via either coupling or file. More...
integer, public | mom_wave_interface::partitionmode |
| Method for partition mode (meant to check input) 0 - wavenumbers 1 - frequencies. More...
integer | mom_wave_interface::datasource |
| Integer that specifies where the Model Looks for Data Valid choices are: 1 - FMS DataOverride Routine 2 - Reserved For Coupler 3 - User input (fixed values, useful for 1d testing) More...
character(len=40) | mom_wave_interface::surfbandfilename |
| Filename if using DataOverride. More...
logical | mom_wave_interface::dataoverrideisinitialized |
| Flag for DataOverride Initialization. More...
real | mom_wave_interface::la_frachbl |
| Fraction of OSBL for averaging Langmuir number. More...
logical | mom_wave_interface::la_misalignment = .false. |
| Flag to use misalignment in Langmuir number. More...
character(len=40) | mom_wave_interface::mdl = "MOM_wave_interface" |
| This module's name. More...
integer, parameter | mom_wave_interface::testprof = 0 |
| Undocumented parameters. More...
integer, parameter | mom_wave_interface::surfbands = 1 |
| Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
integer, parameter | mom_wave_interface::dhh85 = 2 |
| Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
integer, parameter | mom_wave_interface::lf17 = 3 |
| Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
integer, parameter | mom_wave_interface::null_wavemethod =-99 |
| Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
integer, parameter | mom_wave_interface::dataovr = 1 |
| Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
integer, parameter | mom_wave_interface::coupler = 2 |
| Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
integer, parameter | mom_wave_interface::input = 3 |
| Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
real | mom_wave_interface::tp_stkx0 |
| Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
real | mom_wave_interface::tp_stky0 |
| Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
real | mom_wave_interface::tp_wvl |
| Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
logical | mom_wave_interface::waveagepeakfreq |
| Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
logical | mom_wave_interface::staticwaves |
| Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
logical | mom_wave_interface::dhh85_is_set |
| Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
real | mom_wave_interface::waveage |
| Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
real | mom_wave_interface::wavewind |
| Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
real | mom_wave_interface::pi |
| Options for including wave information Valid (tested) choices are: 0 - Test Profile 1 - Surface Stokes Drift Bands 2 - DHH85 3 - LF17 -99 - No waves computed, but empirical Langmuir number used. More...
subroutine, public | mom_wave_interface::mom_wave_interface_init (time, G, GV, US, param_file, CS, diag) |
| Initializes parameters related to MOM_wave_interface. More...
subroutine, public | mom_wave_interface::mom_wave_interface_init_lite (param_file) |
| A 'lite' init subroutine to initialize a few inputs needed if using wave information with the wind-speed dependent Stokes drift formulation of LF17. More...
subroutine, public | mom_wave_interface::update_surface_waves (G, GV, US, Day, dt, CS) |
| Subroutine that handles updating of surface wave/Stokes drift related properties. More...
subroutine, public | mom_wave_interface::update_stokes_drift (G, GV, US, CS, h, ustar) |
| Constructs the Stokes Drift profile on the model grid based on desired coupling options. More...
subroutine | mom_wave_interface::surface_bands_by_data_override (day_center, G, GV, US, CS) |
| A subroutine to fill the Stokes drift from a NetCDF file using the data_override procedures. More...
subroutine | mom_wave_interface::get_stokessl_lifoxkemper (ustar, hbl, GV, US, UStokes_SL, LA) |
| Get SL averaged Stokes drift from Li/FK 17 method. More...
subroutine | mom_wave_interface::get_sl_average_prof (GV, AvgDepth, H, Profile, Average) |
| Get SL Averaged Stokes drift from a Stokes drift Profile. More...
subroutine | mom_wave_interface::get_sl_average_band (GV, AvgDepth, NB, WaveNumbers, SurfStokes, Average) |
| Get SL averaged Stokes drift from the banded Spectrum method. More...
subroutine | mom_wave_interface::dhh85_mid (GV, US, zpt, UStokes) |
| Compute the Stokes drift at a given depth. More...
subroutine, public | mom_wave_interface::stokesmixing (G, GV, dt, h, u, v, Waves) |
| Explicit solver for Stokes mixing. Still in development do not use. More...
subroutine, public | mom_wave_interface::coriolisstokes (G, GV, DT, h, u, v, WAVES, US) |
| Solver to add Coriolis-Stokes to model Still in development and not meant for general use. Can be activated (with code intervention) for LES comparison CHECK THAT RIGHT TIMESTEP IS PASSED IF YOU USE THIS**. More...
subroutine | mom_wave_interface::ust_2_u10_coare3p5 (USTair, U10, GV, US) |
| Computes wind speed from ustar_air based on COARE 3.5 Cd relationship Probably doesn't belong in this module, but it is used here to estimate wind speed for wind-wave relationships. Should be a fine way to estimate the neutral wind-speed as written here. More...
subroutine, public | mom_wave_interface::waves_end (CS) |
| Clear pointers, deallocate memory. More...