Go to the documentation of this file.
1 !> Regrid columns for the adaptive coordinate
2 module coord_adapt
4 ! This file is part of MOM6. See for the license.
7 use mom_error_handler, only : mom_error, fatal
8 use mom_variables, only : ocean_grid_type, thermo_var_ptrs
11 implicit none ; private
13 #include <MOM_memory.h>
15 !> Control structure for adaptive coordinates (coord_adapt).
16 type, public :: adapt_cs ; private
18  !> Number of layers/levels
19  integer :: nk
21  !> Nominal near-surface resolution [H ~> m or kg m-2]
22  real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: coordinateresolution
24  !> Ratio of optimisation and diffusion timescales
25  real :: adapttimeratio
27  !> Nondimensional coefficient determining how much optimisation to apply
28  real :: adaptalpha
30  !> Near-surface zooming depth [H ~> m or kg m-2]
31  real :: adaptzoom
33  !> Near-surface zooming coefficient
34  real :: adaptzoomcoeff
36  !> Stratification-dependent diffusion coefficient
37  real :: adaptbuoycoeff
39  !> Reference density difference for stratification-dependent diffusion [kg m-3]
40  real :: adaptdrho0
42  !> If true, form a HYCOM1-like mixed layet by preventing interfaces
43  !! from becoming shallower than the depths set by coordinateResolution
44  logical :: adaptdomin = .false.
45 end type adapt_cs
49 contains
51 !> Initialise an adapt_CS with parameters
52 subroutine init_coord_adapt(CS, nk, coordinateResolution, m_to_H)
53  type(adapt_cs), pointer :: cs !< Unassociated pointer to hold the control structure
54  integer, intent(in) :: nk !< Number of layers in the grid
55  real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: coordinateresolution !< Nominal near-surface resolution [m] or
56  !! other units specified with m_to_H
57  real, optional, intent(in) :: m_to_h !< A conversion factor from m to the units of thicknesses
59  real :: m_to_h_rescale ! A unit conversion factor.
61  if (associated(cs)) call mom_error(fatal, "init_coord_adapt: CS already associated")
62  allocate(cs)
63  allocate(cs%coordinateResolution(nk))
65  m_to_h_rescale = 1.0 ; if (present(m_to_h)) m_to_h_rescale = m_to_h
67  cs%nk = nk
68  cs%coordinateResolution(:) = coordinateresolution(:)
70  ! Set real parameter default values
71  cs%adaptTimeRatio = 1e-1 ! Nondim.
72  cs%adaptAlpha = 1.0 ! Nondim.
73  cs%adaptZoom = 200.0 * m_to_h_rescale
74  cs%adaptZoomCoeff = 0.0 ! Nondim.
75  cs%adaptBuoyCoeff = 0.0 ! Nondim.
76  cs%adaptDrho0 = 0.5 ! [kg m-3]
78 end subroutine init_coord_adapt
80 !> Clean up the coordinate control structure
81 subroutine end_coord_adapt(CS)
82  type(adapt_cs), pointer :: cs !< The control structure for this module
84  ! nothing to do
85  if (.not. associated(cs)) return
86  deallocate(cs%coordinateResolution)
87  deallocate(cs)
88 end subroutine end_coord_adapt
90 !> This subtroutine can be used to set the parameters for coord_adapt module
91 subroutine set_adapt_params(CS, adaptTimeRatio, adaptAlpha, adaptZoom, adaptZoomCoeff, &
92  adaptBuoyCoeff, adaptDrho0, adaptDoMin)
93  type(adapt_cs), pointer :: cs !< The control structure for this module
94  real, optional, intent(in) :: adapttimeratio !< Ratio of optimisation and diffusion timescales
95  real, optional, intent(in) :: adaptalpha !< Nondimensional coefficient determining
96  !! how much optimisation to apply
97  real, optional, intent(in) :: adaptzoom !< Near-surface zooming depth [H ~> m or kg m-2]
98  real, optional, intent(in) :: adaptzoomcoeff !< Near-surface zooming coefficient
99  real, optional, intent(in) :: adaptbuoycoeff !< Stratification-dependent diffusion coefficient
100  real, optional, intent(in) :: adaptdrho0 !< Reference density difference for
101  !! stratification-dependent diffusion
102  logical, optional, intent(in) :: adaptdomin !< If true, form a HYCOM1-like mixed layer by
103  !! preventing interfaces from becoming shallower than
104  !! the depths set by coordinateResolution
106  if (.not. associated(cs)) call mom_error(fatal, "set_adapt_params: CS not associated")
108  if (present(adapttimeratio)) cs%adaptTimeRatio = adapttimeratio
109  if (present(adaptalpha)) cs%adaptAlpha = adaptalpha
110  if (present(adaptzoom)) cs%adaptZoom = adaptzoom
111  if (present(adaptzoomcoeff)) cs%adaptZoomCoeff = adaptzoomcoeff
112  if (present(adaptbuoycoeff)) cs%adaptBuoyCoeff = adaptbuoycoeff
113  if (present(adaptdrho0)) cs%adaptDrho0 = adaptdrho0
114  if (present(adaptdomin)) cs%adaptDoMin = adaptdomin
115 end subroutine set_adapt_params
117 subroutine build_adapt_column(CS, G, GV, tv, i, j, zInt, tInt, sInt, h, zNext)
118  type(adapt_cs), intent(in) :: cs !< The control structure for this module
119  type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: g !< The ocean's grid structure
120  type(verticalgrid_type), intent(in) :: gv !< The ocean's vertical grid structure
121  type(thermo_var_ptrs), intent(in) :: tv !< A structure pointing to various
122  !! thermodynamic variables
123  integer, intent(in) :: i !< The i-index of the column to work on
124  integer, intent(in) :: j !< The j-index of the column to work on
125  real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)+1), intent(in) :: zint !< Interface heights [H ~> m or kg m-2].
126  real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)+1), intent(in) :: tint !< Interface temperatures [degC]
127  real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)+1), intent(in) :: sint !< Interface salinities [ppt]
128  real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)), intent(in) :: h !< Layer thicknesses [H ~> m or kg m-2]
129  real, dimension(SZK_(GV)+1), intent(inout) :: znext !< updated interface positions
131  ! Local variables
132  integer :: k, nz
133  real :: h_up, b1, b_denom_1, d1, depth, drdz, nominal_z, stretching
134  real, dimension(SZK_(GV)+1) :: alpha, beta, del2sigma ! drho/dT and drho/dS
135  real, dimension(SZK_(GV)) :: kgrid, c1 ! grid diffusivity on layers, and tridiagonal work array
137  nz = cs%nk
139  ! set bottom and surface of zNext
140  znext(1) = 0.
141  znext(nz+1) = zint(i,j,nz+1)
143  ! local depth for scaling diffusivity
144  depth = g%bathyT(i,j) * gv%Z_to_H
146  ! initialize del2sigma to zero
147  del2sigma(:) = 0.
149  ! calculate del-squared of neutral density by a
150  ! stencilled finite difference
151  ! TODO: this needs to be adjusted to account for vanished layers near topography
153  ! up (j-1)
154  if (g%mask2dT(i,j-1) > 0.) then
156  0.5 * (tint(i,j,2:nz) + tint(i,j-1,2:nz)), &
157  0.5 * (sint(i,j,2:nz) + sint(i,j-1,2:nz)), &
158  0.5 * (zint(i,j,2:nz) + zint(i,j-1,2:nz)) * gv%H_to_Pa, &
159  alpha, beta, 2, nz - 1, tv%eqn_of_state)
161  del2sigma(2:nz) = del2sigma(2:nz) + &
162  (alpha(2:nz) * (tint(i,j-1,2:nz) - tint(i,j,2:nz)) + &
163  beta(2:nz) * (sint(i,j-1,2:nz) - sint(i,j,2:nz)))
164  endif
165  ! down (j+1)
166  if (g%mask2dT(i,j+1) > 0.) then
168  0.5 * (tint(i,j,2:nz) + tint(i,j+1,2:nz)), &
169  0.5 * (sint(i,j,2:nz) + sint(i,j+1,2:nz)), &
170  0.5 * (zint(i,j,2:nz) + zint(i,j+1,2:nz)) * gv%H_to_Pa, &
171  alpha, beta, 2, nz - 1, tv%eqn_of_state)
173  del2sigma(2:nz) = del2sigma(2:nz) + &
174  (alpha(2:nz) * (tint(i,j+1,2:nz) - tint(i,j,2:nz)) + &
175  beta(2:nz) * (sint(i,j+1,2:nz) - sint(i,j,2:nz)))
176  endif
177  ! left (i-1)
178  if (g%mask2dT(i-1,j) > 0.) then
180  0.5 * (tint(i,j,2:nz) + tint(i-1,j,2:nz)), &
181  0.5 * (sint(i,j,2:nz) + sint(i-1,j,2:nz)), &
182  0.5 * (zint(i,j,2:nz) + zint(i-1,j,2:nz)) * gv%H_to_Pa, &
183  alpha, beta, 2, nz - 1, tv%eqn_of_state)
185  del2sigma(2:nz) = del2sigma(2:nz) + &
186  (alpha(2:nz) * (tint(i-1,j,2:nz) - tint(i,j,2:nz)) + &
187  beta(2:nz) * (sint(i-1,j,2:nz) - sint(i,j,2:nz)))
188  endif
189  ! right (i+1)
190  if (g%mask2dT(i+1,j) > 0.) then
192  0.5 * (tint(i,j,2:nz) + tint(i+1,j,2:nz)), &
193  0.5 * (sint(i,j,2:nz) + sint(i+1,j,2:nz)), &
194  0.5 * (zint(i,j,2:nz) + zint(i+1,j,2:nz)) * gv%H_to_Pa, &
195  alpha, beta, 2, nz - 1, tv%eqn_of_state)
197  del2sigma(2:nz) = del2sigma(2:nz) + &
198  (alpha(2:nz) * (tint(i+1,j,2:nz) - tint(i,j,2:nz)) + &
199  beta(2:nz) * (sint(i+1,j,2:nz) - sint(i,j,2:nz)))
200  endif
202  ! at this point, del2sigma contains the local neutral density curvature at
203  ! h-points, on interfaces
204  ! we need to divide by drho/dz to give an interfacial displacement
205  !
206  ! a positive curvature means we're too light relative to adjacent columns,
207  ! so del2sigma needs to be positive too (push the interface deeper)
208  call calculate_density_derivs(tint(i,j,:), sint(i,j,:), zint(i,j,:) * gv%H_to_Pa, &
209  alpha, beta, 1, nz + 1, tv%eqn_of_state)
210  do k = 2, nz
211  ! TODO make lower bound here configurable
212  del2sigma(k) = del2sigma(k) * (0.5 * (h(i,j,k-1) + h(i,j,k))) / &
213  max(alpha(k) * (tv%T(i,j,k) - tv%T(i,j,k-1)) + &
214  beta(k) * (tv%S(i,j,k) - tv%S(i,j,k-1)), 1e-20)
216  ! don't move the interface so far that it would tangle with another
217  ! interface in the direction we're moving (or exceed a Nyquist limit
218  ! that could cause oscillations of the interface)
219  h_up = merge(h(i,j,k), h(i,j,k-1), del2sigma(k) > 0.)
220  del2sigma(k) = 0.5 * cs%adaptAlpha * &
221  sign(min(abs(del2sigma(k)), 0.5 * h_up), del2sigma(k))
223  ! update interface positions so we can diffuse them
224  znext(k) = zint(i,j,k) + del2sigma(k)
225  enddo
227  ! solve diffusivity equation to smooth grid
228  ! upper diagonal coefficients: -kGrid(2:nz)
229  ! lower diagonal coefficients: -kGrid(1:nz-1)
230  ! diagonal coefficients: 1 + (kGrid(1:nz-1) + kGrid(2:nz))
231  !
232  ! first, calculate the diffusivities within layers
233  do k = 1, nz
234  ! calculate the dr bit of drdz
235  drdz = 0.5 * (alpha(k) + alpha(k+1)) * (tint(i,j,k+1) - tint(i,j,k)) + &
236  0.5 * (beta(k) + beta(k+1)) * (sint(i,j,k+1) - sint(i,j,k))
237  ! divide by dz from the new interface positions
238  drdz = drdz / (znext(k) - znext(k+1) + gv%H_subroundoff)
239  ! don't do weird stuff in unstably-stratified regions
240  drdz = max(drdz, 0.)
242  ! set vertical grid diffusivity
243  kgrid(k) = (cs%adaptTimeRatio * nz**2 * depth) * &
244  (cs%adaptZoomCoeff / (cs%adaptZoom + 0.5*(znext(k) + znext(k+1))) + &
245  (cs%adaptBuoyCoeff * drdz / cs%adaptDrho0) + &
246  max(1.0 - cs%adaptZoomCoeff - cs%adaptBuoyCoeff, 0.0) / depth)
247  enddo
249  ! initial denominator (first diagonal element)
250  b1 = 1.0
251  ! initial Q_1 = 1 - q_1 = 1 - 0/1
252  d1 = 1.0
253  ! work on all interior interfaces
254  do k = 2, nz
255  ! calculate numerator of Q_k
256  b_denom_1 = 1. + d1 * kgrid(k-1)
257  ! update denominator for k
258  b1 = 1.0 / (b_denom_1 + kgrid(k))
260  ! calculate q_k
261  c1(k) = kgrid(k) * b1
262  ! update Q_k = 1 - q_k
263  d1 = b_denom_1 * b1
265  ! update RHS
266  znext(k) = b1 * (znext(k) + kgrid(k-1)*znext(k-1))
267  enddo
268  ! final substitution
269  do k = nz, 2, -1
270  znext(k) = znext(k) + c1(k)*znext(k+1)
271  enddo
273  if (cs%adaptDoMin) then
274  nominal_z = 0.
275  stretching = zint(i,j,nz+1) / depth
277  do k = 2, nz+1
278  nominal_z = nominal_z + cs%coordinateResolution(k-1) * stretching
279  ! take the deeper of the calculated and nominal positions
280  znext(k) = max(znext(k), nominal_z)
281  ! interface can't go below topography
282  znext(k) = min(znext(k), zint(i,j,nz+1))
283  enddo
284  endif
285 end subroutine build_adapt_column
287 end module coord_adapt
Provides a transparent vertical ocean grid type and supporting routines.
Definition: MOM_verticalGrid.F90:2
Pointers to an assortment of thermodynamic fields that may be available, including potential temperat...
Definition: MOM_variables.F90:78
subroutine, public set_adapt_params(CS, adaptTimeRatio, adaptAlpha, adaptZoom, adaptZoomCoeff, adaptBuoyCoeff, adaptDrho0, adaptDoMin)
This subtroutine can be used to set the parameters for coord_adapt module.
Definition: coord_adapt.F90:93
Provides subroutines for quantities specific to the equation of state.
Definition: MOM_EOS.F90:2
subroutine, public init_coord_adapt(CS, nk, coordinateResolution, m_to_H)
Initialise an adapt_CS with parameters.
Definition: coord_adapt.F90:53
subroutine, public end_coord_adapt(CS)
Clean up the coordinate control structure.
Definition: coord_adapt.F90:82
Describes the vertical ocean grid, including unit conversion factors.
Definition: MOM_verticalGrid.F90:24
Provides transparent structures with groups of MOM6 variables and supporting routines.
Definition: MOM_variables.F90:2
Control structure for adaptive coordinates (coord_adapt).
Definition: coord_adapt.F90:16
Calculate the derivatives of density with temperature and salinity from T, S, and P.
Definition: MOM_EOS.F90:70
subroutine, public build_adapt_column(CS, G, GV, tv, i, j, zInt, tInt, sInt, h, zNext)
Definition: coord_adapt.F90:118
subroutine, public mom_error(level, message, all_print)
This provides a convenient interface for writing an mpp_error message with run-time filter based on a...
Definition: MOM_error_handler.F90:72
Routines for error handling and I/O management.
Definition: MOM_error_handler.F90:2
Regrid columns for the adaptive coordinate.
Definition: coord_adapt.F90:2