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examplePio.c File Reference

A simple C example for the ParallelIO Library. More...

#include "config.h"
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include <pio.h>
Include dependency graph for examplePio.c:


#define TEST_NAME   "examplePio"
 The name of this program.


typedef struct examplePioClass examplePioClass
 Holds code and data for this example. More...


struct examplePioClassepc_init (struct examplePioClass *this)
 Initialize libraries, create sample data. More...
struct examplePioClassepc_createDecomp (struct examplePioClass *this)
 Create the decomposition. More...
struct examplePioClassepc_createFile (struct examplePioClass *this)
 Create the netCDF file. More...
struct examplePioClassepc_defineVar (struct examplePioClass *this)
 Define netCDF metadata. More...
struct examplePioClassepc_writeVar (struct examplePioClass *this)
 Write the sample data to the file. More...
struct examplePioClassepc_readVar (struct examplePioClass *this)
 Read the example data from the file. More...
struct examplePioClassepc_closeFile (struct examplePioClass *this)
 Closes the netCDF file. More...
struct examplePioClassepc_cleanUp (struct examplePioClass *this)
 Clean up allocated resources. More...
struct examplePioClassepc_errorHandler (struct examplePioClass *this, const char *errMsg, const int retVal)
 Error handling function. More...
struct examplePioClassepc_new (int verbose)
 Create an examplePioClass object. More...
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
 Main execution of code. More...

Detailed Description

A simple C example for the ParallelIO Library.

This example creates a netCDF output file with one dimension and one variable. It first writes, then reads the sample file using the ParallelIO library.

This example can be run in parallel for 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 processors.

Typedef Documentation

◆ examplePioClass

typedef struct examplePioClass examplePioClass

Holds code and data for this example.

This struct stores pointers to the functions used in the example, and all the data values needed to run the example code.

Function Documentation

◆ epc_cleanUp()

struct examplePioClass* epc_cleanUp ( struct examplePioClass this)

Clean up allocated resources.

This function frees the memory used in this example. It calls the ParallelIO library function PIOc_freedecomp() to free decomposition resources. Then calles PIOc_free_iosystem() and MPI_finalize() to free library resources.

[in]thisPointer to self.
Return values
examplePioClass*Pointer to self.

◆ epc_closeFile()

struct examplePioClass* epc_closeFile ( struct examplePioClass this)

Closes the netCDF file.

Uses the PIOc_closefile() function to close the netCDF sample file written by this example.

[in]thisPointer to self.
Return values
examplePioClass*Pointer to self.

◆ epc_createDecomp()

struct examplePioClass* epc_createDecomp ( struct examplePioClass this)

Create the decomposition.

This function is called as part of the creation of a sample data file for this example.

Uses PIOc_InitDecomp() to initalize the decomposition for this example. The arguments are:

  • the ID of the IO system, obtained from PIOc_init_intracomm().
  • the NetCDF type of the sample data - in this case a 4-byte integer.
  • the number of dimensions (1).
  • the lengths of the dimensions.
  • the number of data elements assigned to each processor.
  • the array which provides the decomposition mapping.
  • the IO description pointer.
  • the ParallelIO rearranger (we are providing NULL here to get the default arranger).
  • optional array of start values for block cyclic decompositions (NULL means don't use block cyclical decompositions).
  • optional array of count values for block cyclic decompositions (NULL means don't use block cyclical decompositions).

The decomposition mapping array (called compdof, in this example code), contains a 1 based array of offsets into the array record on file. For this example, the compdof array will have the following sizes and values, depending on number of processors used.

For one processor the decomposition array looks like this (note that the array is 1-based):

rank: 0 length: 16 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]

For two processors, the decomposition array looks like this on each processor:

rank: 0 length: 8 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
rank: 1 length: 8 [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]

For four processors, the decomposition arrays are:

rank: 0 length: 4 [1, 2, 3, 4]
rank: 1 length: 4 [5, 6, 7, 8]
rank: 2 length: 4 [9, 10, 11, 12]
rank: 3 length: 4 [13, 14, 15, 16]
[in]thisPointer to self.
Return values
examplePioClass*Pointer to self.

◆ epc_createFile()

struct examplePioClass* epc_createFile ( struct examplePioClass this)

Create the netCDF file.

This function is called as part of the creation of a sample data file for this example.

Uses the function PIOc_createfile() to create the netCDF output file. The format of the file is created in accordance with the iotype member variable, which specifies one of the following values:

  • PIO_IOTYPE_PNETCDF=1 Parallel Netcdf (parallel)
  • PIO_IOTYPE_NETCDF=2 Netcdf3 Classic format (serial)
  • PIO_IOTYPE_NETCDF4C=3 NetCDF4 (HDF5) compressed format (serial)
  • PIO_IOTYPE_NETCDF4P=4 NetCDF4 (HDF5) parallel

The PIOc_createfile() function has the following parameters:

  • The IO system ID as set by PIOc_init_intracomm().
  • A pointer which will get the ncid of this file when it is created.
  • The iotype (one of the values listed above).
  • the name of the sample file.
  • the NetCDF file creating mode, PIO_CLOBBER means overwrite any existing file with this name.
[in]thisPointer to self.
Return values
examplePioClass*Pointer to self.

◆ epc_defineVar()

struct examplePioClass* epc_defineVar ( struct examplePioClass this)

Define netCDF metadata.

This function is called as part of the creation of a sample data file for this example.

It defines a dimension and a one-dimensional variable in the netCDF file using functions PIOc_def_dim() and PIOc_def_var(). It then calls PIOc_enddef() to end the define mode of the file.

All of the functions take the pioFileDesc returned by PIOc_createfile(). This is the ncid of the netCDF file.

[in]thisPointer to self.
Return values
examplePioClass*Pointer to self.

◆ epc_errorHandler()

struct examplePioClass* epc_errorHandler ( struct examplePioClass this,
const char *  errMsg,
const int  retVal 

Error handling function.

On error, process with rank zero will print error message, the netCDF file will be closed with PIOc_closefile(), and MPI_Abort is called to end the example execution on all processes.

[in]thisPointer to self.
[in]errMsgan error message
[in]retValthe non-zero return value that indicated an error
Return values
examplePioClass*Pointer to self.

◆ epc_init()

struct examplePioClass* epc_init ( struct examplePioClass this)

Initialize libraries, create sample data.

This function is called as part of the creation of a sample data file for this example.

Ths funtion initializes MPI and the ParallelIO libraries. It sets up the ParallelIO library communicator. It also allocates memory for data used in this example, and assigns sample values to the data array that will be written.

The ParallelIO communicator is set up with a call to PIOc_Init_Intracomm(). This call takes the following parameters:

  • The MPI communicator specifying the invovled processors (MPI_COMM_WORLD, in this case, to use all processors).
  • The number of I/O tasks. In this example there will be one I/O task for each process.
  • The stride (1 in this case).
  • The index of the first I/O task.
  • The iotype, specifying the flavor of netCDF to use.
  • Specify the subset rearranger.
  • A pointer that will get the ID of the ParallelIO system created for this call. This ID will be needed when reading or writing to the file using the ParallelIO library.
[in]thisPointer to self.
Return values
examplePioClass*Pointer to self.

◆ epc_new()

struct examplePioClass* epc_new ( int  verbose)

Create an examplePioClass object.

This function allocates memory for the struct that contains the code and data for this example. Then pointers are to the functions used in the example.

[in]verboseNon-zero for output to stdout.
Return values
examplePioClass*Pointer to self.

◆ epc_readVar()

struct examplePioClass* epc_readVar ( struct examplePioClass this)

Read the example data from the file.

This function is called as part of the creation of a sample data file for this example.

This function reads the data that has been written to the sample data file. The data are read with the PIOc_read_darray() function.

[in]thisPointer to self.
Return values
examplePioClass*Pointer to self.

◆ epc_writeVar()

struct examplePioClass* epc_writeVar ( struct examplePioClass this)

Write the sample data to the file.

This function is called as part of the creation of a sample data file for this example.

The data are written with the PIOc_write_darray() function. After the write is complete, ensure the file is synced for all processes after the write.

[in]thisPointer to self.
Return values
examplePioClass*Pointer to self.

◆ main()

int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Main execution of code.

Executes the functions to:

  • create a new examplePioClass instance
  • initialize MPI and the ParallelIO libraries
  • create the decomposition for this example
  • create the netCDF output file
  • define the variable in the file
  • write data to the variable in the file using decomposition
  • read the data back from the file using decomposition
  • close the file
  • clean up resources

The example can be run from the command line (on system that support it) like this:

mpiexec -n 4 ./examplePio

The sample file created by this program is a small netCDF file. It has the following contents (as shown by ncdump) for a 4-processor run:

netcdf examplePio_c {
    x = 16 ;
    int foo(x) ;
    foo = 42, 42, 42, 42, 43, 43, 43, 43, 44, 44, 44, 44, 45, 45, 45, 45 ;
[in]argcargument count (should be zero)
[in]argvargument array (should be NULL)
Return values
examplePioClass*Pointer to self.