int | PIOc_iosystem_is_active (int iosysid, bool *active) |
| Check to see if PIO has been initialized. More...
int | PIOc_File_is_Open (int ncid) |
| Check to see if PIO file is open. More...
int | PIOc_Set_File_Error_Handling (int ncid, int method) |
| Set the error handling method to be used for subsequent pio library calls, returns the previous method setting. More...
int | PIOc_advanceframe (int ncid, int varid) |
| Increment the unlimited dimension of the given variable. More...
int | PIOc_setframe (int ncid, int varid, int frame) |
| Set the unlimited dimension of the given variable. More...
int | PIOc_get_numiotasks (int iosysid, int *numiotasks) |
| Get the number of IO tasks set. More...
int | PIOc_get_local_array_size (int ioid) |
| Get the local size of the variable. More...
int | PIOc_Set_IOSystem_Error_Handling (int iosysid, int method) |
| Set the error handling method used for subsequent calls. More...
int | PIOc_set_iosystem_error_handling (int iosysid, int method, int *old_method) |
| Set the error handling method used for subsequent calls for this IO system. More...
int | compare (const void *a, const void *b) |
| Compare. More...
int | PIOc_InitDecomp (int iosysid, int pio_type, int ndims, const int *gdimlen, int maplen, const PIO_Offset *compmap, int *ioidp, const int *rearranger, const PIO_Offset *iostart, const PIO_Offset *iocount) |
| Initialize the decomposition used with distributed arrays. More...
int | PIOc_init_decomp (int iosysid, int pio_type, int ndims, const int *gdimlen, int maplen, const PIO_Offset *compmap, int *ioidp, int rearranger, const PIO_Offset *iostart, const PIO_Offset *iocount) |
| Initialize the decomposition used with distributed arrays. More...
int | PIOc_InitDecomp_bc (int iosysid, int pio_type, int ndims, const int *gdimlen, const long int *start, const long int *count, int *ioidp) |
| This is a simplified initdecomp which can be used if the memory order of the data can be expressed in terms of start and count on the file. More...
int | PIOc_Init_Intracomm (MPI_Comm comp_comm, int num_iotasks, int stride, int base, int rearr, int *iosysidp) |
| Library initialization used when IO tasks are a subset of compute tasks. More...
int | PIOc_Init_Intracomm_from_F90 (int f90_comp_comm, const int num_iotasks, const int stride, const int base, const int rearr, rearr_opt_t *rearr_opts, int *iosysidp) |
| Interface to call from pio_init from fortran. More...
int | PIOc_init_async_from_F90 (int f90_world_comm, int num_io_procs, int *io_proc_list, int component_count, int *procs_per_component, int *flat_proc_list, int *f90_io_comm, int *f90_comp_comm, int rearranger, int *iosysidp) |
| Interface to call from pio_init from fortran. More...
int | PIOc_init_async_comms_from_F90 (int f90_world_comm, int component_count, int *f90_comp_comms, int f90_io_comm, int rearranger, int *iosysidp) |
| Interface to call from pio_init from fortran. More...
int | PIOc_set_hint (int iosysid, const char *hint, const char *hintval) |
| Send a hint to the MPI-IO library. More...
int | PIOc_free_iosystem (int iosysid) |
| Clean up internal data structures, and free MPI resources, associated with an IOSystem. More...
int | PIOc_iam_iotask (int iosysid, bool *ioproc) |
| Return a logical indicating whether this task is an IO task. More...
int | PIOc_iotask_rank (int iosysid, int *iorank) |
| Return the rank of this task in the IO communicator or -1 if this task is not in the communicator. More...
int | PIOc_iotype_available (int iotype) |
| Return true if this iotype is supported in the build, 0 otherwise. More...
int | PIOc_init_async (MPI_Comm world, int num_io_procs, int *io_proc_list, int component_count, int *num_procs_per_comp, int **proc_list, MPI_Comm *user_io_comm, MPI_Comm *user_comp_comm, int rearranger, int *iosysidp) |
| Library initialization used when IO tasks are distinct from compute tasks. More...
int | PIOc_init_async_from_comms (MPI_Comm world, int component_count, MPI_Comm *comp_comm, MPI_Comm io_comm, int rearranger, int *iosysidp) |
| Library initialization used when IO tasks are distinct from compute tasks. More...
int | PIOc_set_blocksize (int newblocksize) |
| Set the target blocksize for the box rearranger. More...