logical function, public | piolib_mod::pio_file_is_open (File) |
| Get the local size of a distributed array. More...
integer function, public | piolib_mod::pio_get_local_array_size (iodesc) |
| IO descriptor structure. More...
subroutine | piolib_mod::advanceframe (file, vardesc) |
| File descriptor structure. More...
subroutine | piolib_mod::setframe (file, vardesc, frame) |
| File descriptor structure. More...
subroutine | piolib_mod::setdebuglevel (level) |
subroutine | piolib_mod::seterrorhandlingfile (file, method, oldmethod) |
| File descriptor structure. More...
subroutine | piolib_mod::seterrorhandlingiosystem (iosystem, method, oldmethod) |
| The error handling setting controls what happens if errors are encountered by PIO. The three types of error handling methods are: More...
subroutine | piolib_mod::seterrorhandlingiosysid (iosysid, method, oldmethod) |
| The error handling setting controls what happens if errors are encountered by PIO. The three types of error handling methods are: More...
subroutine | piolib_mod::pio_initdecomp_bc (iosystem, basepiotype, dims, compstart, compcount, iodesc) |
| IO system descriptor structure. More...
subroutine | piolib_mod::initdecomp_1dof_bin_i8 (iosystem, basepiotype, dims, lenblocks, compdof, iodofr, iodesc) |
| PIO supports different kinds of Fortran types. More...
subroutine | piolib_mod::initdecomp_1dof_bin_i4 (iosystem, basepiotype, dims, lenblocks, compdof, iodofr, iodesc) |
| PIO supports different kinds of Fortran types. More...
subroutine | piolib_mod::initdecomp_2dof_nf_i4 (iosystem, basepiotype, dims, lenblocks, compdof, iodofr, iodofw, start, count, iodesc) |
| PIO supports different kinds of Fortran types. More...
subroutine | piolib_mod::initdecomp_2dof_nf_i8 (iosystem, basepiotype, dims, lenblocks, compdof, iodofr, iodofw, start, count, iodesc) |
| PIO supports different kinds of Fortran types. More...
subroutine | piolib_mod::initdecomp_1dof_nf_i4 (iosystem, basepiotype, dims, lenblocks, compdof, iodof, start, count, iodesc) |
| PIO supports different kinds of Fortran types. More...
subroutine | piolib_mod::initdecomp_1dof_nf_i8 (iosystem, basepiotype, dims, lenblocks, compdof, iodof, start, count, iodesc) |
| PIO supports different kinds of Fortran types. More...
subroutine | piolib_mod::pio_initdecomp_dof_i4 (iosystem, basepiotype, dims, compdof, iodesc, rearr, iostart, iocount) |
| IO system descriptor structure. More...
subroutine | piolib_mod::pio_initdecomp_dof_i8 (iosystem, basepiotype, dims, compdof, iodesc, rearr, iostart, iocount) |
subroutine | piolib_mod::init_intracom (comp_rank, comp_comm, num_iotasks, num_aggregator, stride, rearr, iosystem, base, rearr_opts) |
| Rearranger methods. More...
subroutine | piolib_mod::init_intercom (iosystem, incomm, procs_per_component, comp_proc_list, io_proc_list, rearranger, comp_comm, io_comm) |
subroutine | piolib_mod::init_intercom_from_comms (iosystem, world_comm, comp_comms, io_comm, rearranger) |
subroutine, public | piolib_mod::pio_set_hint (iosystem, hint, hintval) |
| IO descriptor structure. More...
subroutine | piolib_mod::finalize (iosystem, ierr) |
| IO descriptor structure. More...
subroutine | piolib_mod::getnumiotasks (iosystem, numiotasks) |
logical function, public | piolib_mod::pio_iotype_available (iotype) |
| Is an iotype available?
integer function | piolib_mod::createfile (iosystem, file, iotype, fname, amode_in) |
| An integer parameter which controls the iotype. More...
integer function, public | piolib_mod::pio_openfile (iosystem, file, iotype, fname, mode) |
| The error return code (see Error Handling for Fortran). More...
subroutine | piolib_mod::syncfile (file) |
| File descriptor structure. More...
subroutine | piolib_mod::freedecomp_ios (ios, iodesc) |
| free all allocated storage associated with this decomposition More...
subroutine | piolib_mod::freedecomp_file (file, iodesc) |
| File descriptor structure. More...
subroutine | piolib_mod::closefile (file) |
| File descriptor structure. More...
subroutine, public | piolib_mod::pio_deletefile (ios, fname) |
integer function, public | piolib_mod::pio_set_rearr_opts (ios, comm_type, fcd, enable_hs_c2i, enable_isend_c2i, max_pend_req_c2i, enable_hs_i2c, enable_isend_i2c, max_pend_req_i2c) |
| There are two choices for rearranger communication. More...