VDC Conversion Commands#


Usage: cf2vdc cffiles... master.nc
    ------      --------    -------    
    -help       0           false      
        Print this message and exit 
    -nthreads   1           0          
        Specify number of execution threads 0 => use number of cores 
    -numts      1           -1         
        Number of timesteps to be included in the VDC. Default (-1) includes 
        all timesteps. 
    -vars       1           ""         
        Colon delimited list of 3D variable names (compressed) to be included 
        in the VDC 


Usage: cfvdccreate cf_files... master.nc
    OPTION       NUM_ARGS    DEFAULT         
    ------       --------    -------         
    -bs          1           64:64:64        
        Internal storage blocking factor expressed in grid points (NX:NY:NZ) 
    -cratios     1           1:10:100:500    
        Colon delimited list compression ratios. for 3D variables. The default 
        is 1:10:100:500. The maximum compression ratio is wavelet and block 
        size dependent. 
    -dimension   1           512x512x512     
        Data volume dimensions expressed in grid points (NXxNYxNZ) 
    -force       0           false           
        Create a new VDC master file even if a VDC data directory already 
        exists. Results may be undefined if settings between the new master 
        file and old data directory do not match. 
    -help        0           false           
        Print this message and exit 
    -nthreads    1           0               
        Specify number of execution threads 0 => use number of cores 
    -vars        1           ""              
        Colon delimited list of 3D variable names (compressed) to be included 
        in the VDC 
    -wname       1           bior4.4         
        Wavelet family used for compression Valid values are bior1.1, bior1.3, 
        bior1.5, bior2.2, bior2.4 ,bior2.6, bior2.8, bior3.1, bior3.3, bior3.5, 
        bior3.7, bior3.9, bior4.4 


Usage: ncdf2wasp [options] netcdffile waspfile
    OPTION       NUM_ARGS    DEFAULT         
    ------       --------    -------         
    -bs          1           64:64:64        
        Internal storage blocking factor expressed in grid points (NZ:NY:NX) 
        for 3D variables 
    -bs2d        1           ""              
        Internal storage blocking factor expressed in grid points (NZ:NY:NX) 
        for 2D variables. If empty the 2D blocking factor uses the fastest 
        varying dimensions of the 3D blocking factor 
    -cratios     1           500:100:10:1    
        Colon delimited list of compression ratios for 3D variables. The 
        default is 500:100:10:1. The maximum compression ratio is wavelet and 
        block size dependent. 
    -cratios2d   1           ""              
        Colon delimited list of compression ratios for 2D variables. If empty 
        the 2D compression ratio vector is calculated from the 3D compression 
    -debug       0           false           
        Enable diagnostic 
    -help        0           false           
        Print this message and exit 
    -lod         1           -1              
        Compression levels saved. 0 => coarsest, 1 => next refinement, etc. -1 
        => all levels defined by the netcdf file 
    -nthreads    1           0               
        Specify number of execution threads 0 => use number of cores 
    -quiet       0           false           
        Operate quietly 
    -varname     1           var1            
        Name of variable 
    -wname       1           bior4.4         
        Wavelet family used for compression Valid values are bior1.1, bior1.3, 
        bior1.5, bior2.2, bior2.4 ,bior2.6, bior2.8, bior3.1, bior3.3, bior3.5, 
        bior3.7, bior3.9, bior4.4 
    -xdimnames   1           ""              
        Colon delimited list of dimension names to exclude from compression. 
    -xvarnames   1           ""              
        Colon delimited list of variable names to exclude from compression. 

Copyright 2007 The National Center for Atmospheric Research

Version: 3.1.0 (2019-08-05T21:04:24Z) www.vapor.ucar.edu


Usage: raw2vdc [options] vdcFile rawDataFile
    OPTION       NUM_ARGS    DEFAULT    
    ------       --------    -------    
    -debug       0           false      
        Enable diagnostic 
    -help        0           false      
        Print this message and exit 
    -lod         1           -1         
        Compression levels saved. 0 => coarsest, 1 => next refinement, etc. -1 
        => all levels defined by the netcdf file 
    -nthreads    1           0          
        Specify number of execution threads 0 => use number of cores 
    -swapbytes   0           false      
        Swap bytes in data as they are read from disk 
    -ts          1           0          
        Specify time step offset 
    -type        1           float32    
        Primitive type of input data 
    -varname     1           var1       
        Name of variable 

Copyright 2007 The National Center for Atmospheric Research

Version: 3.1.0 (2019-08-05T21:04:24Z) www.vapor.ucar.edu


Usage: raw2wasp [options] netcdffile datafile
    ------      --------    -------    
    -debug      0           false      
        Enable diagnostic 
    -help       0           false      
        Print this message and exit 
    -lod        1           -1         
        Compression levels saved. 0 => coarsest, 1 => next refinement, etc. -1 
        => all levels defined by the netcdf file 
    -nthreads   1           0          
        Specify number of execution threads 0 => use number of cores 
    -type       1           float32    
        Primitive type of input data 
    -varname    1           var1       
        Name of variable 

Copyright 2007 The National Center for Atmospheric Research

Version: 3.1.0 (2019-08-05T21:04:24Z) www.vapor.ucar.edu


usage: tiff2geotiff [options] input... output
where options are:
 -g file	install GeoTIFF metadata from <file>
 -4 proj4_str	install GeoTIFF metadata from proj4 string
 -e file	install positioning info from ESRI Worldfile <file>
 -a		append to output instead of overwriting
 -m file	Specify filename with multiple timestamps and image placement info:
			Each line of file has date/timestamp, and 8 floats;
			first four are lon/lat corners of plot area,
			second four are relative positions of plot corners in page.
			This option requires option -4
 -M file   Specify filename with multiple timestamps, w/o georeferencing:
			Each line of file has date/timestamp only
			Option -4 must not be specified.
 -n llx lly urx ury
			Install longitude/latitude extents;
			Four lon and lat values must in quotes in the order:
			lower-left longitude, lower-left latitude,
			upper-right longitute, upper-right latitude
			This option requires option -4
			Option '-m' overrides this option
 -o offset	set initial directory offset
 -p contig	pack samples contiguously (e.g. RGBRGB...)
 -p separate	store samples separately (e.g. RRR...GGG...BBB...)
 -s		write output in strips
 -t		write output in tiles
 -i		ignore read errors
 -d		truncate 8 bitspersample to 4bitspersample

 -r #		make each strip have no more than # rows
 -w #		set output tile width (pixels)
 -l #		set output tile length (pixels)

 -f lsb2msb	force lsb-to-msb FillOrder for output
 -f msb2lsb	force msb-to-lsb FillOrder for output

 -c lzw[:opts]	compress output with Lempel-Ziv & Welch encoding
 -c zip[:opts]	compress output with deflate encoding
 -c jpeg[:opts]compress output with JPEG encoding
 -c packbits	compress output with packbits encoding
 -c g3[:opts]	compress output with CCITT Group 3 encoding
 -c g4		compress output with CCITT Group 4 encoding
 -c none	use no compression algorithm on output

Group 3 options:
 1d		use default CCITT Group 3 1D-encoding
 2d		use optional CCITT Group 3 2D-encoding
 fill		byte-align EOL codes
For example, -c g3:2d:fill to get G3-2D-encoded data with byte-aligned EOLs

JPEG options:
 #		set compression quality level (0-100, default 75)
 r		output color image as RGB rather than YCbCr
For example, -c jpeg:r:50 to get JPEG-encoded RGB data with 50% comp. quality

LZW and deflate options:
 #		set predictor value
For example, -c lzw:2 to get LZW-encoded data with horizontal differencing


Usage: vdc2raw [options] vdcmaster datafile
    ------      --------    -------    
    -debug      0           false      
        Enable debugging 
    -help       0           false      
        Print this message and exit 
    -level      1           -1         
        Multiresolution refinement level. Zero implies coarsest resolution 
    -lod        1           -1         
        Compression level of detail. Zero implies coarsest approximation 
    -nthreads   1           0          
        Number of execution threads (0=># processors) 
    -quiet      0           false      
        Operate quietly 
    -ts         1           0          
        Timestep of data file starting from 0 
    -type       1           float32    
        Primitive type of output data 
    -varname    1           var1       
        Name of variable 
    -xregion    1           -1:-1      
        X dimension subregion bounds (min:max) 
    -yregion    1           -1:-1      
        Y dimension subregion bounds (min:max) 
    -zregion    1           -1:-1      
        Z dimension subregion bounds (min:max) 

Copyright 2007 The National Center for Atmospheric Research

Version: 3.1.0 (2019-08-05T21:04:24Z) www.vapor.ucar.edu


.. _vdccreate:

Usage: vdccreate [options] master.nc
    OPTION        NUM_ARGS    DEFAULT         
    ------        --------    -------         
    -bs           1           64:64:64        
        Internal storage blocking factor expressed in grid points (NX:NY:NZ) 
    -cratios      1           500:100:10:1    
        Colon delimited list compression ratios. The default is 500:100:10:1. 
        The maximum compression ratio is wavelet and block size dependent. 
    -dimension    1           512x512x512     
        Data volume dimensions expressed in grid points (NXxNYxNZ) 
    -extents      1           ""              
        Colon delimited 6-element vector specifying domain extents in user 
        coordinates (X0:Y0:Z0:X1:Y1:Z1) 
    -force        0           false           
        Create a new VDC master file even if a VDC data directory already 
        exists. Results may be undefined if settings between the new master 
        file and old data directory do not match. 
    -help         0           false           
        Print this message and exit 
    -ncvars2dxy   1           ""              
        Colon delimited list of 2D XY-plane variable names (not compressed) to 
        be included in the VDC 
    -ncvars2dxz   1           ""              
        Colon delimited list of 3D XZ-plane variable names (not compressed) to 
        be included in the VDC 
    -ncvars2dyz   1           ""              
        Colon delimited list of 3D YZ-plane variable names (not compressed) to 
        be included in the VDC 
    -ncvars3d     1           ""              
        Colon delimited list of 3D variable names (not compressed) to be 
        included in the VDC 
    -nthreads     1           0               
        Specify number of execution threads 0 => use number of cores 
    -numts        1           1               
        Number of timesteps in the data set 
    -vars2dxy     1           ""              
        Colon delimited list of 2D XY-plane variable names (compressed) to be 
        included in the VDC 
    -vars2dxz     1           ""              
        Colon delimited list of 3D XZ-plane variable names (compressed) to be 
        included in the VDC 
    -vars2dyz     1           ""              
        Colon delimited list of 3D YZ-plane variable names (compressed) to be 
        included in the VDC 
    -vars3d       1           ""              
        Colon delimited list of 3D variable names (compressed) to be included 
        in the VDC 
    -wname        1           bior4.4         
        Wavelet family used for compression Valid values are bior1.1, bior1.3, 
        bior1.5, bior2.2, bior2.4 ,bior2.6, bior2.8, bior3.1, bior3.3, bior3.5, 
        bior3.7, bior3.9, bior4.4 
    -xtype        1           float           
        External data type representation. Valid values are uint8 int8 int16 
        int32 int64 float double 


Usage: vdcdump vdcmaster.nc


Usage: wasp2ncdf [options] waspfile ncdffile
    OPTION       NUM_ARGS    DEFAULT    
    ------       --------    -------    
    -debug       0           false      
        Enable diagnostic 
    -help        0           false      
        Print this message and exit 
    -lod         1           -1         
        Compression levels saved. 0 => coarsest, 1 => next refinement, etc. -1 
        => all levels defined by the netcdf file 
    -nthreads    1           0          
        Specify number of execution threads 0 => use number of cores 
    -quiet       0           false      
        Operate quietly 
    -varname     1           var1       
        Name of variable 
    -xvarnames   1           ""         
        Colon delimited list of variable names to exclude from compression. 

Copyright 2007 The National Center for Atmospheric Research

Version: 3.1.0 (2019-08-05T21:04:24Z) www.vapor.ucar.edu


Usage: wasp2raw [options] netcdffile datafile
    ------      --------    -------    
    -count      1           ""         
        Colon-delimited NetCDF style count coordinate vector 
    -debug      0           false      
        Enable diagnostic 
    -help       0           false      
        Print this message and exit 
    -level      1           -1         
        Multiresolution refinement level. Zero implies coarsest resolution 
    -lod        1           -1         
        Compression levels saved. 0 => coarsest, 1 => next refinement, etc. -1 
        => all levels defined by the netcdf file 
    -nthreads   1           0          
        Number of execution threads. 0 => use number of cores 
    -start      1           ""         
        Colon-delimited NetCDF style start coordinate vector 
    -type       1           float32    
        Primitive type of output data 
    -varname    1           var1       
        Name of variable 

Copyright 2007 The National Center for Atmospheric Research

Version: 3.1.0 (2019-08-05T21:04:24Z) www.vapor.ucar.edu



Usage: wrf2vdc wrffiles... master.nc
    ------      --------    -------    
    -help       0           false      
        Print this message and exit 
    -nthreads   1           0          
        Specify number of execution threads 0 => use number of cores 
    -numts      1           -1         
        Number of timesteps to be included in the VDC. Default (-1) includes 
        all timesteps. 
    -vars       1           ""         
        Colon delimited list of 3D variable names (compressed) to be included 
        in the VDC 


Usage: wrfvdccreate wrf_file1 wrf_file2 ... master.nc
    OPTION      NUM_ARGS    DEFAULT         
    ------      --------    -------         
    -bs         1           64:64:64        
        Internal storage blocking factor expressed in grid points (NX:NY:NZ) 
    -cratios    1           1:10:100:500    
        Colon delimited list compression ratios. for 3D variables. The default 
        is 1:10:100:500. The maximum compression ratio is wavelet and block 
        size dependent. 
    -force      0           false           
        Create a new VDC master file even if a VDC data directory already 
        exists. Results may be undefined if settings between the new master 
        file and old data directory do not match. 
    -help       0           false           
        Print this message and exit 
    -nthreads   1           0               
        Specify number of execution threads 0 => use number of cores 
    -vars       1           ""              
        Colon delimited list of 3D variable names (compressed) to be included 
        in the VDC 
    -wname      1           bior4.4         
        Wavelet family used for compression Valid values are bior1.1, bior1.3, 
        bior1.5, bior2.2, bior2.4 ,bior2.6, bior2.8, bior3.1, bior3.3, bior3.5, 
        bior3.7, bior3.9, bior4.4