NCL Index#
NCL Function |
Description |
Python Equivalent |
Notes |
Computes the average of a variable regardless of dimensionality |
Computes the inverse sine of numeric types |
Computes the inverse cosine of numeric types |
Computes the inverse cosine of numeric types |
Computes the inverse tangent of (y/x) for numeric types |
Returns the absolute value of numeric data |
Calculates the area enclosed by an arbitrary polygon on the sphere |
Calculate the Coriolis parameter |
Calculates the cumulative sum |
Returns the smallest integral value greater than or equal to each input value |
Calculates long-term monthly means (monthly climatology) from monthly data |
Calculates long-term daily means (daily climatology) from daily data |
Calculates monthly anomalies by subtracting the long-term mean from each point |
Calculates daily anomalies from a daily data climatology |
Computes the hyperbolic cosine of numeric types |
Converts spherical coordinates (lat/lon) to Cartesian coordinates on a unit sphere |
Computes the cosine of numeric types |
Calculates the day of the week given month, day, and year |
Calculates the number of days in a month given month and year |
Compute maximum number of daylight hours as described in FAO 56 |
Calculates the dew point temperature given temperature and relative humidity |
Truncates or rounds to the number of decimal places specified |
Computes the value of e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to the power of the input |
Returns the largest integral value less than or equal to each input value |
Returns the absolute value of numeric data |
Return pi as a type float or double |
Return a constant that converts radians to degrees |
Return a constant that converts degrees to radians |
Computes the natural log of a numeric type |
Computes the log base 10 of a numeric type |
Remainder function which emulates the Fortran ‘mod’ intrinsic function |
Computes the maximum value of a multi-dimensional array |
Computes the minimum value of a multi-dimensional array |
Computes a user-specified three-month seasonal mean |
Computes the product of the input |
Sorts a singly dimensioned array of numbers |
Rounds a float or double variable to the nearest whole number |
Removes the annual cycle from monthly data |
Compute actual saturation vapor pressure as described in FAO 56 |
Compute saturation vapor pressure using temperature as described in FAO 56 |
Computes the hyperbolic sine of numeric types |
Mimic the behavior of Matlab’s sign function |
Sorts a singly dimensioned arrays of strings |
Calculates standard deviations of monthly means |
Compute the slope of the saturation vapor pressure curve as described in FAO 56 |
Calculates the cross-spectra quantities of a series. |
Calculates the spectra of a series. |
Sums the input |
Computes the square root of its input |
Computes the sine of numeric types |
Computes the hyperbolic tangent of numeric types |
Computes the tangent of numeric types |
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