Flexible Multi-scale Parameter Regionalization (MPR-flex)

MPR-flex is a model-independent, flexible parameter estimation tool that enables continental-domain applications of multiple hydrologic models in a spatially consistent way.

Model Development Team

NCAR: Martyn Clark (PI), Naoki Mizukami, Andrew Newman, Andy Wood, Ethan Gutmann

UFZ Helmholtz Institute (Leipzig, Germany): Luis Samaniego, Oldrich Rakovec, Stephan Thober

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Jeff Arnold

Bureau of Reclamation: Levi Brekke

Contact: Martyn Clark - mclark@ucar.edu | Julie Vano - jvano@ucar.edu


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation

More Information At


Project information:   parameter_estimation


    Newman, A. J., N. Mizukami, M.P. Clark, A. W. Wood, B. Nijssen, and G. Nearing, 2017: Benchmarking of a physically based hydrology model. J. Hydrometeorology, 18, 2215-2225, doi:10.1175/JHM-D-16-0284.1
    Mizukami, N., M.P. Clark, A. J. Newman, A. W. Wood, E. Gutmann, B. Nijssen, O. Rakovec, and L. Samaniego, 2017: Towards seamless large domain parameter estimation for hydrologic models. Water Resources Research, accepted doi:10.1002/2017WR020401
    Samaniego, L., R. Kumar, and S. Attinger, 2010: Multiscale parameter regionalization of a gridā€based hydrologic model at the mesoscale. Water Resources Research, 26, W05523, doi:10.1029/2008WR007327


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