mam  v1.0
A Modal Aerosol Model
Data Types | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
mam_optics_lookup Module Reference

The optics_lookup_t type and related functions. More...

Data Types

interface  optics_data_t
interface  optics_lookup_t


type(optics_lookup_t) function constructor (config)
 Constructor of optics lookup objects. More...
type(optics_data_t) function optics_data_constructor (parameter_name, lookup_file, config)
 Constructor of optics lookup data objects. More...
pure subroutine optics_data_lookup (this, band_index, indices, residuals, axis, chebyshev_values)
 Looks up optical property data at a given wavelength band. More...
real(kind=musica_dk) elemental function normalize_radius (this, radius__m)
 Normalizes a radius to the range used to calculate the Chebychev coefficients. More...
real(kind=musica_dk) elemental function maximum_radius__m (this)
 Returns the maximum radius of the range used to calculate the Chebychev coefficients. More...
real(kind=musica_dk) elemental function minimum_radius__m (this)
 Returns the minimum radius of the range used to calculate the Chebychev coefficients. More...
integer elemental function number_of_chebyshev_coefficients (this)
 Returns the number of Chebyshev coefficients per band and property. More...
integer elemental function number_of_wavelength_bands (this)
 Returns the number of wavelength bands for each property. More...
type(wavelength_grid_t) function grid (this)
 Returns the wavelength grid that the properties are returned on. More...
subroutine set_grid (this, config, lookup_file)
 Sets the wavelength grid for an optics_lookup_t object. More...


integer, parameter knumberofparameters = 3
 Number of possible optics parameters. More...
Local indices for optics parameters
are "specific extinction", "specific absorption", and "asymmetry factor" the correct names for the optical properties returned from the lookup tables?
integer, parameter kabsorption = 1
integer, parameter kextinction = 2
integer, parameter kasymmetryfactor = 3

Detailed Description

The optics_lookup_t type and related functions.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ constructor()

type(optics_lookup_t) function mam_optics_lookup::constructor ( class(config_t), intent(inout)  config)

Constructor of optics lookup objects.

Definition at line 76 of file optics_lookup.F90.

◆ grid()

type(wavelength_grid_t) function mam_optics_lookup::grid ( class(optics_lookup_t), intent(in)  this)

Returns the wavelength grid that the properties are returned on.

Definition at line 278 of file optics_lookup.F90.

Referenced by grid().

◆ maximum_radius__m()

real(kind=musica_dk) elemental function mam_optics_lookup::maximum_radius__m ( class(optics_lookup_t), intent(in)  this)

Returns the maximum radius of the range used to calculate the Chebychev coefficients.

Definition at line 233 of file optics_lookup.F90.

Referenced by maximum_radius__m().

◆ minimum_radius__m()

real(kind=musica_dk) elemental function mam_optics_lookup::minimum_radius__m ( class(optics_lookup_t), intent(in)  this)

Returns the minimum radius of the range used to calculate the Chebychev coefficients.

Definition at line 245 of file optics_lookup.F90.

Referenced by minimum_radius__m().

◆ normalize_radius()

real(kind=musica_dk) elemental function mam_optics_lookup::normalize_radius ( class(optics_lookup_t), intent(in)  this,
real(kind=musica_dk), intent(in)  radius__m 

Normalizes a radius to the range used to calculate the Chebychev coefficients.

Radii are converted to ln(radius) prior to normalization

Normalized radii range from -1...1

[in]radius__mAerosol surface mode radius (mode radius of the surface area distribution)

Definition at line 211 of file optics_lookup.F90.

Referenced by normalize_radius().

◆ number_of_chebyshev_coefficients()

integer elemental function mam_optics_lookup::number_of_chebyshev_coefficients ( class(optics_lookup_t), intent(in)  this)

Returns the number of Chebyshev coefficients per band and property.

Definition at line 256 of file optics_lookup.F90.

Referenced by number_of_chebyshev_coefficients().

◆ number_of_wavelength_bands()

integer elemental function mam_optics_lookup::number_of_wavelength_bands ( class(optics_lookup_t), intent(in)  this)

Returns the number of wavelength bands for each property.

Definition at line 267 of file optics_lookup.F90.

Referenced by number_of_wavelength_bands().

◆ optics_data_constructor()

type(optics_data_t) function mam_optics_lookup::optics_data_constructor ( character(len=*), intent(in)  parameter_name,
class(io_t), intent(inout)  lookup_file,
class(config_t), intent(inout)  config 

Constructor of optics lookup data objects.

Definition at line 329 of file optics_lookup.F90.

◆ optics_data_lookup()

pure subroutine mam_optics_lookup::optics_data_lookup ( class(optics_data_t), intent(in)  this,
integer, intent(in)  band_index,
integer, dimension(2), intent(in)  indices,
real(kind=musica_dk), dimension(2), intent(in)  residuals,
type(lookup_2d_axis_t), intent(in)  axis,
real(kind=musica_dk), dimension(:), intent(out)  chebyshev_values 

Looks up optical property data at a given wavelength band.

Definition at line 360 of file optics_lookup.F90.

◆ set_grid()

subroutine mam_optics_lookup::set_grid ( class(optics_lookup_t), intent(inout)  this,
class(config_t), intent(inout)  config,
class(io_t), intent(inout)  lookup_file 

Sets the wavelength grid for an optics_lookup_t object.

Definition at line 293 of file optics_lookup.F90.

Variable Documentation

◆ kabsorption

integer, parameter mam_optics_lookup::kabsorption = 1

Definition at line 25 of file optics_lookup.F90.

Referenced by constructor().

◆ kasymmetryfactor

integer, parameter mam_optics_lookup::kasymmetryfactor = 3

Definition at line 27 of file optics_lookup.F90.

Referenced by constructor().

◆ kextinction

integer, parameter mam_optics_lookup::kextinction = 2

Definition at line 26 of file optics_lookup.F90.

Referenced by constructor().

◆ knumberofparameters

integer, parameter mam_optics_lookup::knumberofparameters = 3

Number of possible optics parameters.

Definition at line 30 of file optics_lookup.F90.

Referenced by constructor().