Name space list
Here is a list of all modules with brief descriptions:
 Nadjustment_initializationConfigures the model for the geostrophic adjustment test case
 Nadvection_test_tracerThis tracer package is used to test advection schemes
 Natmos_ocean_fluxes_modA dummy version of atmos_ocean_fluxes_mod module for use when the vastly larger FMS package is not needed
 Nbaroclinic_zone_initializationInitial conditions for an idealized baroclinic zone
 Nbenchmark_initializationInitialization for the "bench mark" configuration
 Nbfb_initializationInitialization of the boundary-forced-basing configuration
 Nbfb_surface_forcingSurface forcing for the boundary-forced-basin (BFB) configuration
 Nboundary_impulse_tracerImplements a boundary impulse response tracer to calculate Green's functions
 Ncircle_obcs_initializationConfigures the model for the "circle_obcs" experiment which tests Open Boundary Conditions radiating an SSH anomaly
 Ncoord_adaptRegrid columns for the adaptive coordinate
 Ncoord_hycomRegrid columns for the HyCOM coordinate
 Ncoord_rhoRegrid columns for the continuous isopycnal (rho) coordinate
 Ncoord_sigmaRegrid columns for the sigma coordinate
 Ncoord_slightRegrid columns for the SLight coordinate
 Ncoord_zlikeRegrid columns for a z-like coordinate (z-star, z-level)
 Ndense_water_initializationInitialization routines for the dense water formation and overflow experiment
 Ndome2d_initializationInitialization of the 2D DOME experiment with density water initialized on a coastal shelf
 Ndome_initializationConfigures the model for the "DOME" experiment. DOME = Dynamics of Overflows and Mixing Experiment
 Ndome_tracerA tracer package that is used as a diagnostic in the DOME experiments
 Ndumbbell_initializationConfigures the model for the idealized dumbbell test case
 Ndumbbell_surface_forcingSurface forcing for the dumbbell test case
 Ndyed_channel_initializationInitialization for the dyed_channel configuration
 Ndyed_obc_tracerThis tracer package dyes flow through open boundaries
 Ndyed_obcs_initializationDyed open boundary conditions
 Nexternal_gwave_initializationInitialization for the "external gravity wave wave" configuration
 Nideal_age_exampleA tracer package of ideal age tracers
 Nidealized_hurricaneForcing for the idealized hurricane and SCM_idealized_hurricane examples
 Nisomip_initializationConfigures the ISOMIP test case
 Nisomip_tracerRoutines used to set up and use a set of (one for now) dynamically passive tracers in the ISOMIP configuration
 Nkelvin_initializationConfigures the model for the Kelvin wave experiment
 Nlock_exchange_initializationInitialization of the "lock exchange" experiment. lock_exchange = A 2-d density driven hydraulic exchange flow
 Nmeso_surface_forcingSets forcing for the MESO configuration
 Nmidas_vertmapRoutines for initialization callable from MOM6 or Python (MIDAS)
 NmomThe central module of the MOM6 ocean model
 Nmom_aleThis module contains the main regridding routines
 Nmom_ale_spongeThis module contains the routines used to apply sponge layers when using the ALE mode
 Nmom_barotropicBaropotric solver
 Nmom_bkgnd_mixingInterface to background mixing schemes, including the Bryan and Lewis (1979) which is applied via CVMix
 Nmom_boundary_updateControls where open boundary conditions are applied
 Nmom_bulk_mixed_layerBuild mixed layer parameterization
 Nmom_cap_methodsContains import/export methods for both NEMS and CMEPS
 Nmom_cap_modThis module contains a set of subroutines that are required by NUOPC
 Nmom_cap_timeThis was originally share code in CIME, but required CIME as a dependency to build the MOM cap. The options here for setting a restart alarm are useful for all caps, so a second step is to determine if/how these could be offered more generally in a shared library. For now we really want the MOM cap to only depend on MOM and ESMF/NUOPC
 Nmom_checksum_packagesProvides routines that do checksums of groups of MOM variables
 Nmom_checksumsRoutines to calculate checksums of various array and vector types
 Nmom_comsInterfaces to non-domain-oriented communication subroutines, including the MOM6 reproducing sums facility
 Nmom_constantsProvides a few physical constants
 Nmom_continuitySolve the layer continuity equation
 Nmom_continuity_ppmSolve the layer continuity equation using the PPM method for layer fluxes
 Nmom_controlled_forcingUse control-theory to adjust the surface heat flux and precipitation
 Nmom_coord_initializationInitializes fixed aspects of the related to its vertical coordinate
 Nmom_coriolisadvAccelerations due to the Coriolis force and momentum advection
 Nmom_cpu_clockWraps the MPP cpu clock functions
 Nmom_cvmix_convInterface to CVMix convection scheme
 Nmom_cvmix_ddiffInterface to CVMix double diffusion scheme
 Nmom_cvmix_kppProvides the K-Profile Parameterization (KPP) of Large et al., 1994, via CVMix
 Nmom_cvmix_shearInterface to CVMix interior shear schemes
 Nmom_debuggingProvides checksumming functions for debugging
 Nmom_diabatic_auxProvides functions for some diabatic processes such as fraxil, brine rejection, tendency due to surface flux divergence
 Nmom_diabatic_driverThis routine drives the diabatic/dianeutral physics for MOM
 Nmom_diag_manager_wrapperA simple (very thin) wrapper for register_diag_field to avoid a compiler bug with PGI
 Nmom_diag_mediatorThe subroutines here provide convenient wrappers to the fms diag_manager interfaces with additional diagnostic capabilies
 Nmom_diag_remapRuntime remapping of diagnostics to z star, sigma and rho vertical coordinates
 Nmom_diag_vkernelsProvides kernels for single-column interpolation, re-integration (re-mapping of integrated quantities) and intensive-variable remapping in the vertical
 Nmom_diagnosticsCalculates any requested diagnostic quantities that are not calculated in the various subroutines. Diagnostic quantities are requested by allocating them memory
 Nmom_diapyc_energy_reqCalculates the energy requirements of mixing
 Nmom_documentThe subroutines here provide hooks for document generation functions at various levels of granularity
 Nmom_domainsDescribes the decomposed MOM domain and has routines for communications across PEs
 Nmom_dyn_horgridContains a shareable dynamic type for describing horizontal grids and metric data and utilty routines that work on this type
 Nmom_dynamics_split_rk2Time step the adiabatic dynamic core of MOM using RK2 method
 Nmom_dynamics_unsplitTime steps the ocean dynamics with an unsplit quasi 3rd order scheme
 Nmom_dynamics_unsplit_rk2Time steps the ocean dynamics with an unsplit quasi 2nd order Runge-Kutta scheme
 Nmom_energetic_pblEnergetically consistent planetary boundary layer parameterization
 Nmom_entrain_diffusiveDiapycnal mixing and advection in isopycnal mode
 Nmom_eosProvides subroutines for quantities specific to the equation of state
 Nmom_eos_linearA simple linear equation of state for sea water with constant coefficients
 Nmom_eos_nemoThe equation of state using the expressions of Roquet et al. that are used in NEMO
 Nmom_eos_teos10The equation of state using the TEOS10 expressions
 Nmom_eos_unescoThe equation of state using the Jackett and McDougall fits to the UNESCO EOS
 Nmom_eos_wrightThe equation of state using the Wright 1997 expressions
 Nmom_error_handlerRoutines for error handling and I/O management
 Nmom_file_parserThe MOM6 facility to parse input files for runtime parameters
 Nmom_fixed_initializationInitializes fixed aspects of the model, such as horizontal grid metrics, topography and Coriolis
 Nmom_forcing_typeThis module implements boundary forcing for MOM6
 Nmom_full_convectionDoes full convective adjustment of unstable regions via a strong diffusivity
 Nmom_geothermalImplemented geothermal heating at the ocean bottom
 Nmom_get_inputReads the only Fortran name list needed to boot-strap the model
 Nmom_gridProvides the ocean grid type
 Nmom_grid_initializeInitializes horizontal grid
 Nmom_hor_indexDefines the horizontal index type (hor_index_type) used for providing index ranges
 Nmom_hor_viscCalculates horizontal viscosity and viscous stresses
 Nmom_horizontal_regriddingHorizontal interpolation
 Nmom_ice_shelfImplements the thermodynamic aspects of ocean / ice-shelf interactions, along with a crude placeholder for a later implementation of full ice shelf dynamics, all using the MOM framework and coding style
 Nmom_ice_shelf_dynamicsImplements a crude placeholder for a later implementation of full ice shelf dynamics
 Nmom_ice_shelf_initializeInitialize ice shelf variables
 Nmom_ice_shelf_stateImplements the thermodynamic aspects of ocean / ice-shelf interactions, along with a crude placeholder for a later implementation of full ice shelf dynamics, all using the MOM framework and coding style
 Nmom_int_tide_inputCalculates energy input to the internal tides
 Nmom_interface_heightsFunctions for calculating interface heights, including free surface height
 Nmom_internal_tidesSubroutines that use the ray-tracing equations to propagate the internal tide energy density
 Nmom_intrinsic_functionsA module with intrinsic functions that are used by MOM but are not supported by some compilers
 Nmom_ioThis module contains I/O framework code
 Nmom_isopycnal_slopesCalculations of isoneutral slopes and stratification
 Nmom_kappa_shearShear-dependent mixing following Jackson et al. 2008
 Nmom_lateral_boundary_diffusionCalculates and applies diffusive fluxes as a parameterization of lateral mixing (non-neutral) by mesoscale eddies near the top and bottom (to be implemented) boundary layers of the ocean
 Nmom_lateral_mixing_coeffsVariable mixing coefficients
 Nmom_marine_iceRoutines incorporating the effects of marine ice (sea-ice and icebergs) into the ocean model dynamics and thermodynamics
 Nmom_mekeImplements the Mesoscale Eddy Kinetic Energy framework with topographic beta effect included in computing beta in Rhines scale
 Nmom_mixed_layer_restratParameterization of mixed layer restratification by unresolved mixed-layer eddies
 Nmom_neutral_diffusionA column-wise toolbox for implementing neutral diffusion
 Nmom_obsolete_diagnosticsProvides a mechanism for recording diagnostic variables that are no longer valid, along with their replacement name if appropriate
 Nmom_obsolete_paramsMethods for testing for, and list of, obsolete run-time parameters
 Nmom_ocean_model_mctTop-level module for the MOM6 ocean model in coupled mode
 Nmom_ocean_model_nuopcTop-level module for the MOM6 ocean model in coupled mode
 Nmom_ocmip2_cfcSimulates CFCs using the OCMIP2 protocols
 Nmom_oda_driver_modInterfaces for MOM6 ensembles and data assimilation
 Nmom_offline_auxContains routines related to offline transport of tracers. These routines are likely to be called from the MOM_offline_main module
 Nmom_offline_mainThe routines here implement the offline tracer algorithm used in MOM6. These are called from step_offline Some routines called here can be found in the MOM_offline_aux module
 Nmom_opacityRoutines used to calculate the opacity of the ocean
 Nmom_open_boundaryControls where open boundary conditions are applied
 Nmom_pointaccelDebug accelerations at a given point
 Nmom_pressureforceA thin wrapper for Boussinesq/non-Boussinesq forms of the pressure force calculation
 Nmom_pressureforce_afvAnalytically integrated finite volume pressure gradient
 Nmom_pressureforce_blk_afvAnalytically integrated finite volume pressure gradient
 Nmom_pressureforce_montProvides the Montgomery potential form of pressure gradient
 Nmom_regriddingGenerates vertical grids as part of the ALE algorithm
 Nmom_regularize_layersProvides regularization of layers in isopycnal mode
 Nmom_remappingProvides column-wise vertical remapping functions
 Nmom_restartThe MOM6 facility for reading and writing restart files, and querying what has been read
 Nmom_safe_allocConvenience functions for safely allocating memory without accidentally reallocating pointer and causing memory leaks
 Nmom_set_diffusivityCalculate vertical diffusivity from all mixing processes
 Nmom_set_viscCalculates various values related to the bottom boundary layer, such as the viscosity and thickness of the BBL (set_viscous_BBL)
 Nmom_shared_initializationCode that initializes fixed aspects of the model grid, such as horizontal grid metrics, topography and Coriolis, and can be shared between components
 Nmom_spatial_meansFunctions and routines to take area, volume, mass-weighted, layerwise, zonal or meridional means
 Nmom_spongeImplements sponge regions in isopycnal mode
 Nmom_state_initializationInitialization functions for state variables, u, v, h, T and S
 Nmom_string_functionsHandy functions for manipulating strings
 Nmom_sum_outputReports integrated quantities for monitoring the model state
 Nmom_surface_forcingFunctions that calculate the surface wind stresses and fluxes of buoyancy or temperature/salinity andfresh water, in ocean-only (solo) mode
 Nmom_surface_forcing_nuopcConverts the input ESMF data (import data) to a MOM-specific data type (surface_forcing_CS)
 Nmom_tfreezeFreezing point expressions
 Nmom_thickness_diffuseThickness diffusion (or Gent McWilliams)
 Nmom_tidal_forcingTidal contributions to geopotential
 Nmom_tidal_mixingInterface to vertical tidal mixing schemes including CVMix tidal mixing
 Nmom_time_managerWraps the FMS time manager functions
 Nmom_tracer_advectThis module contains the subroutines that advect tracers along coordinate surfaces
 Nmom_tracer_diabaticThis module contains routines that implement physical fluxes of tracers (e.g. due to surface fluxes or mixing). These are intended to be called from call_tracer_column_fns in the MOM_tracer_flow_control module
 Nmom_tracer_flow_controlOrchestrates the registration and calling of tracer packages
 Nmom_tracer_hor_diffMain routine for lateral (along surface or neutral) diffusion of tracers
 Nmom_tracer_initialization_from_zInitializes hydrography from z-coordinate climatology files
 Nmom_tracer_registryThis module contains the tracer_registry_type and the subroutines that handle registration of tracers and related subroutines. The primary subroutine, register_tracer, is called to indicate the tracers advected and diffused
 Nmom_tracer_z_initUsed to initialize tracers from a depth- (or z*-) space file
 Nmom_transcribe_gridModule with routines for copying information from a shared dynamic horizontal grid to an ocean-specific horizontal grid and the reverse
 Nmom_unit_scalingProvides a transparent unit rescaling type to facilitate dimensional consistency testing
 Nmom_unit_testsInvokes unit tests in all modules that have them
 Nmom_variablesProvides transparent structures with groups of MOM6 variables and supporting routines
 Nmom_vert_frictionImplements vertical viscosity (vertvisc)
 Nmom_verticalgridProvides a transparent vertical ocean grid type and supporting routines
 Nmom_wave_interfaceInterface for surface waves
 Nmom_wave_speedRoutines for calculating baroclinic wave speeds
 Nmom_wave_structureVertical structure functions for first baroclinic mode wave speed
 Nmom_write_cputimeA module to monitor the overall CPU time used by MOM6 and project when to stop the model
 Nneverland_initializationInitialization for the "Neverland" configuration
 Nneverland_surface_forcingWind and buoyancy forcing for the Neverland configurations
 Nocn_comp_mctThis is the main driver for MOM6 in CIME
 Noil_tracerA tracer package to mimic dissolved oil
 Np1m_functionsLinear interpolation functions
 Np3m_functionsCubic interpolation functions
 Npcm_functionsPiecewise constant reconstruction functions
 Nphillips_initializationInitialization for the "Phillips" channel configuration
 Nplm_functionsPiecewise linear reconstruction functions
 Npolynomial_functionsPolynomial functions
 Nppm_functionsProvides functions used with the Piecewise-Parabolic-Method in the vertical ALE algorithm
 Npqm_functionsPiecewise quartic reconstruction functions
 Npseudo_salt_tracerA tracer package that mimics salinity
 Nregional_dyesA tracer package for using dyes to diagnose regional flows
 Nregrid_constsContains constants for interpreting input parameters that control regridding
 Nregrid_edge_slopesRoutines that estimate edge slopes to be used in high-order reconstruction schemes
 Nregrid_edge_valuesEdge value estimation for high-order resconstruction
 Nregrid_interpVertical interpolation for regridding
 Nregrid_solversSolvers of linear systems
 Nrgc_tracerThis module contains the routines used to set up a dynamically passive tracer. Set up and use passive tracers requires the following: (1) register_RGC_tracer (2) apply diffusion, physics/chemistry and advect the tracer
 Nrossby_front_2d_initializationInitial conditions for the 2D Rossby front test
 Nscm_cvmix_testsInitial conditions and forcing for the single column model (SCM) CVMix test set
 Nseamount_initializationConfigures the model for the idealized seamount test case
 Nshelfwave_initializationConfigures the model for the idealized shelfwave test case
 Nsloshing_initializationInitialization for the "sloshing" internal waves configuration
 Nsoliton_initializationInitial conditions for the Equatorial Rossby soliton test (Boyd)
 Nsupercritical_initializationThe "super critical" configuration
 Ntidal_bay_initializationConfigures the model for the "tidal_bay" experiment. tidal_bay = Tidally resonant bay from Zygmunt Kowalik's class on tides
 Ntime_utils_modSet of time utilities for converting between FMS and ESMF time type
 Nuser_change_diffusivityIncrements the diapycnal diffusivity in a specified band of latitudes and densities
 Nuser_initializationA template of a user to code up customized initial conditions
 Nuser_revise_forcingProvides a template for users to code updating the forcing fluxes
 Nuser_shelf_initThis module specifies the initial values and evolving properties of the MOM6 ice shelf, using user-provided code
 Nuser_surface_forcingTemplate for user to code up surface forcing
 Nuser_tracer_exampleA sample tracer package that has striped initial conditions