RAF uses two modified TSI, Inc. condensation nucleus counters to measure the total concentration of ultrafine particles in the atmosphere, a 3760A using n-butyl alcohol and a water-based 3786 WCN (water condensation nucleus) counter. Both are sensitive to particles in the approximate diameter range from 0.010–3 mm.
The raw and corrected sample flows in the CN counters are treated differently for the two models of CN counter. In the 3760A, FCN is measured in standard liters per minute (SLPM) with a mass flow meter. The flow meter gives the volumetric flow rate that would apply under standard conditions of 1013.25 hPa and 21∘C. FCNC is the corrected sample flow rate in volumetric liters per minute (VLPM) at instrument pressure and temperature. For the 3760A:
PCN = pressure at the inlet to the CN counter [hPa]
CNTEMP = temperature at the inlet of the sample tube [\(^{\circ}\)C]
\(p_{std}\) = standard
reference pressure, 1013.25 hPa
\(T_{std}\) = standard
reference temperature, 294.15 K
\(T_{0}\) = 273.15 K
\[\begin{equation} \mathrm{\{FCNC\} = \{FCN\}}\frac{p_{std}}{\mathrm{\{PCN\}}}\frac{(\{\mathrm{CNTEMP\}}+T_{0})}{T_{std}} \tag{7.1} \end{equation}\]
In the 3786, flows are determined in volumetric cm\(^{3}\thinspace\mathrm{min}^{-1}\) from the pressure drop across an orifice. The 3786 firmware makes density corrections internally, so its reported sample flow is brought directly into the variable FCNC in units of VLPM.XICN is the raw isokinetic side flow rate in standard liters per minute (SLPM) measured with a mass flow meter, and XICNC is that flow corrected for pressure and temperature to be the true volumetric flow. The side flow is adjusted for isokinetic sampling at the inlet, but it is not used further in processing.
XICN = side-flow rate [SLPM]
PCN = pressure at the inlet to the CN counter [hPa]
CNTEMP = temperature at the inlet of the sample tube [\(^{\circ}\)C]
\(p_{std}\) = standard reference pressure, 1013.25 mb
= 294.15 K
\(T_{0}\) = 273.15 K
\[\begin{equation} \mathrm{\{XICNC\} = \{XICN\}}\frac{p_{std}}{\mathrm{\{PCN\}}}\frac{(\{\mathrm{CNTEMP\}}+T_{0})}{T_{std}} \tag{7.2} \end{equation}\]
For the 3760A:
CNTS = particle counts per sample interval from the CN counter
\(\Delta t\) = interval
between recorded samples [s]
\(D\) = scale factor (legacy; normally 1)
\(C_{flow}\) = conversion
factor, (1000/60) cm\(^{3}\)L\(^{-1}\)min s\(^{-1}\)
FCNC = corrected sample flow rate (VLPM) for instrument conditions
\(t_{vv}\) = average time a particle is in the view volume
= 0.4\(\times10^{-6}\) s
PCN = pressure at the inlet to the CN counter [hPa]
CNTEMP = temperature at the inlet of the sample tube [\(^{\circ}\)C]
PSXC = corrected ambient pressure [hPa]
ATX = ambient temperature [\(^{\circ}\)C]
\(T_{0}\) = 273.15 K
\mathrm{A=\frac{\{CNTS\}}{\mathrm{(\{FCNC\}\times C_{flow})}\Delta t}\,D}
The flow under instrument conditions, corrected for coincidence, is
B\mathrm{=A}\,e^{At_{vv}(\mathrm{\{FCNC\}\times C_{flow})}}
and the concentration under ambient conditions is
For the 3786 WCN:
CNTS = particle counts per sample interval from the CN counter
\(\Delta t\) = interval
between recorded samples [s]
\(t_{d}\) = cumulative dead time during the sampling interval [s]
\(C_{flow}\) (see preceding box)
FCNC = corrected sample flow rate (VLPM) for instrument conditions
PCN = internal pressure of the CN counter [hPa]
CNTEMP = temperature of the optics block [\(^{\circ}\)C]
PSXC = corrected ambient pressure [hPa]
ATX = ambient temperature [\(^{\circ}\)C]
\(T_{0}\) = 273.15 K
\[\begin{equation} \mathrm{A=\frac{\{CNTS\}}{\mathrm{(\{FCNC\}\times C_{flow})}(\Delta t-t_{d})}} \tag{7.6} \end{equation}\] \[\begin{equation} \mathrm{\{CONCN\}}=A\frac{\mathrm{\{PSXC\}}}{\mathrm{\{PCN\}}}\frac{\mathrm{(\{CNTEMP\}}+T_{0})}{(\mathrm{\{ATX\}}+T_{0})} \tag{7.7} \end{equation}\]
For size-resolved measurements of the concentration of aerosol particles, RAF deploys two instruments. The Ultra High Sensitivity Aerosol Spectrometer (UHSAS) sizes particles in 99 bins from 0.06 to 1.0 μm diameter, and the Passive Cavity Aerosol Spectrometer Probe (PCASP) has 30 channels covering the diameter range 0.1 to 3 μm. Flow and total concentration variables for these instruments are described in this section, while additional variables are covered along with other 1-D probes in Sect. 5.2, “Sensors Detecting Individual Hydrometeors (1-D Probes).”
Unlike the other 1-d probes, both UHSAS and PCASP have internal pumps so their sample volumes are determined from the measured flows and do not depend on true air speed. The UHSAS measures volumetric flow directly, and it is adjusted to ambient conditions for the calculation of ambient concentration. The PCASP returns a mass flow referenced to standard conditions, and this also is converted to equivalent ambient volumetric flow.
UPRESS = internal UHSAS pressure [kPa]
USMPFLW = measured volumetric sample flow [cm\(^{3}\)s\(^{-1}\)]
PFLW = sample mass flow referenced to standard conditions [cm\(^{3}\)s\(^{-1}\)]
\(T_{blk}\) = UHSAS optical block temperature, 305 K
\(p_{std}\) = standard pressure, 1013.25 hPa
\(T_{std}\) = standard temperature, 298.15 K
PSXC = corrected ambient pressure [hPa]
ATX = ambient temperature [\(^{\circ}\)C]
\(T_{0}\) = 273.15 K
\[\begin{equation} \mathrm{\{PFLWC\}}=\mathrm{\{PFLW\}}\frac{p_{std}}{\mathrm{\{PSXC\}}}\frac{(\mathrm{\{ATX\}}+T_{0})}{T_{std}} \tag{7.8} \end{equation}\] \[\begin{equation} \mathrm{\{USFLWC\}}=\mathrm{\{USMPFLW\}}\frac{(\mathrm{\{UPRESS\}}\times 10)} {\mathrm{\{PSXC\}}}\frac{\mathrm{(\{ATX\}}+T_{0})}{T_{blk}} \tag{7.9} \end{equation}\]
The total particle counts in each sample interval for, respectively, the UHSAS and PCASP instruments. These values are the sum of counts in all cells of the spectrometers, as represented in the vector variables AUHSAS or AS200. See the discussion of these variables in Sect. 5.2.
The particle concentrations summed over all or a subset of channels. CONCU and CONCP are summed over all channels in the UHSAS and PCASP, respectively, and are calculated as in the following boxed equations. CONCU100 and CONCU500 are concentrations summed over channels in the UHSAS giving particle concentrations for diameters greater than or equal to 100 nm and 500 nm, respectively, and are calculated as for CONCU except with TCNTU replaced by the sum over the appropriate channels.
TCNTU = total particle counts per sample interval, UHSAS
TCNTP = total particle counts per sample interval, PCASP
\(\Delta t\) = sample
interval [s]
USFLWC = corrected sample flow rate, UHSAS [cm\(^{3}\)s\(^{-1}\)]
PFLWC = corrected sample flow rate, PCASP [cm\(^{3}\)s\(^{-1}\)]
\[\begin{equation} \mathrm{\{CONCU\}}=\frac{\mathrm{\{TCNTU\}}}{\mathrm{\{USFLWC\}}\Delta t} \tag{7.10} \end{equation}\] \[\begin{equation} \mathrm{\{CONCP\}}=\frac{\mathrm{\{TCNTP\}}}{\mathrm{\{PFLWC\}}\Delta t} \tag{7.11} \end{equation}\]
Data from an aerosol mass spectrometer, a scanning mobility particle spectrometer, and a giant nucleus impactor are recorded by these instruments in separate data files and are not recorded by the aircraft data system. The ancillary data sets are not merged into the netCDF archives produced by EOL, so the special data files must be used for these measurements. The data formats are described with the instruments at the references given below:
Prior to Dec. 2007 the conversion to ambient concentration was not made and concentration was reported for instrument conditions.↩︎