
GitHub Actions workflows are configured with YAML files.

Example GitHub Actions YAML file:

name: Example GitHub Actions YAML Structure
run-name: ${{ }} triggered workflow via Push

on: push                                     # trigger workflow on Push to repo

  echo-hello-world:                          # name of current workflow job
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest                   # choose operation system for workflow to run on
      - name: Echo 'Hello World!' to shell   # Divide instruction sets by categories or 'names'
        run: echo 'Hello World!'             # 'run' label executes the paired value in the runner shell

Workflow YAML files must be placed inside the repository's .github/workflows/ directory. Results and logs of your workflows are located in the 'Actions' tab of your GitHub Repository.

This document only aims to give a brief overview of GitHub action workflows. For indepth documentation visit