Airborne observations

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
from itertools import product

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import matplotlib.colors as colors

import as ccrs
import seaborn as sns

import datasets
import figure_panels
import obs_aircraft
import util

Load the aircraft data

The data from the aircraft are returned as a pandas.DataFrame.

df = obs_aircraft.open_aircraft_data('obs')
loading obs
year month day hour min sec camp flt prof lat ... co2mx co2noaa ch4noaa co2mnoaa co2x ch4mqcls campaign_id flight_id profile_id date
0 2009 1 9 20 25 20.0 1 2 1 45.83098 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN HIPPO-1 HIPPO-001-002 HIPPO-001-002-001 2009-01-09
1 2009 1 9 20 25 30.0 1 2 1 45.83351 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN HIPPO-1 HIPPO-001-002 HIPPO-001-002-001 2009-01-09
2 2009 1 9 20 25 40.0 1 2 1 45.83660 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN HIPPO-1 HIPPO-001-002 HIPPO-001-002-001 2009-01-09
3 2009 1 9 20 25 50.0 1 2 1 45.84057 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN HIPPO-1 HIPPO-001-002 HIPPO-001-002-001 2009-01-09
4 2009 1 9 20 26 0.0 1 2 1 45.84671 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN HIPPO-1 HIPPO-001-002 HIPPO-001-002-001 2009-01-09

5 rows × 49 columns

Campaign details

campaign_info = obs_aircraft.get_campaign_info(clobber=False, lump_orcas=True)

campaign_mon = [c['month'] for c in campaign_info.values()]
I = np.argsort([c['month'] for c in campaign_info.values()])

campaigns = np.array(list(campaign_info.keys()))[I]
time_bound = np.array([c['time_bound'] for c in campaign_info.values()])[I]
	flights: ['HIPPO-001-006', 'HIPPO-001-007', 'HIPPO-001-008']
	time: 2009-01-20
	year: 2009
	month: 1
	day: 20
	time_bound: ['2009-01-19' '2009-01-24']
	co2_midtrop: 384.0980934046344
	ch4_midtrop: 1735.9877611940308
	sf6_midtrop: 6.44546875
	co2_midtrop_each_sensor: {'co2pfp': 383.83666666666664, 'co2medusa': 384.065, 'co2': 384.0980934046344, 'co2ao2': 384.1803736842106, 'co2oms': 384.4950883838382}
	co2_midtrop_multi_sensor: 384.13504442786996
	co2_midtrop_multi_sensor_std: 0.2130667876906907
	flights: ['HIPPO-002-005', 'HIPPO-002-006', 'HIPPO-002-007']
	time: 2009-11-11
	year: 2009
	month: 11
	day: 11
	time_bound: ['2009-11-09' '2009-11-15']
	co2_midtrop: 385.4305322580645
	ch4_midtrop: 1762.1661757719726
	sf6_midtrop: 6.645344827586209
	co2_midtrop_each_sensor: {'co2pfp': 385.41, 'co2medusa': 385.39267000000007, 'co2': 385.4305322580645, 'co2ao2': 385.4491370558374, 'co2oms': 385.38648337595885}
	co2_midtrop_multi_sensor: 385.4137645379721
	co2_midtrop_multi_sensor_std: 0.023391385322030903
	flights: ['HIPPO-003-005', 'HIPPO-003-006', 'HIPPO-003-007']
	time: 2010-04-05
	year: 2010
	month: 4
	day: 5
	time_bound: ['2010-04-02' '2010-04-09']
	co2_midtrop: 386.44500448979613
	ch4_midtrop: 1745.93223880597
	sf6_midtrop: nan
	co2_midtrop_each_sensor: {'co2pfp': 385.614, 'co2medusa': 385.3078, 'co2': 386.44500448979613, 'co2ao2': 385.51033414634156, 'co2oms': 385.31982857142856}
	co2_midtrop_multi_sensor: 385.6393934415133
	co2_midtrop_multi_sensor_std: 0.41913868976853064
	flights: ['HIPPO-005-008', 'HIPPO-005-009', 'HIPPO-005-010']
	time: 2011-08-29
	year: 2011
	month: 8
	day: 29
	time_bound: ['2011-08-27' '2011-09-02']
	co2_midtrop: 388.7906872340429
	ch4_midtrop: 1781.4356051873199
	sf6_midtrop: 7.132295081967213
	co2_midtrop_each_sensor: {'co2pfp': 389.5, 'co2medusa': 389.115575, 'co2': 388.7906872340429, 'co2ao2': 389.1697253218886, 'co2oms': 388.9364769975789}
	co2_midtrop_multi_sensor: 389.1024929107021
	co2_midtrop_multi_sensor_std: 0.2397862746795518
	flights: ['ORCAS-001-000', 'ORCAS-001-001', 'ORCAS-001-002', 'ORCAS-001-003', 'ORCAS-001-004', 'ORCAS-001-005', 'ORCAS-001-006', 'ORCAS-001-007', 'ORCAS-001-008', 'ORCAS-001-009', 'ORCAS-001-010', 'ORCAS-001-011', 'ORCAS-001-013', 'ORCAS-001-014', 'ORCAS-001-015', 'ORCAS-001-016', 'ORCAS-001-017', 'ORCAS-001-018', 'ORCAS-001-019']
	time: 2016-02-03
	year: 2016
	month: 2
	day: 3
	time_bound: ['2016-01-12' '2016-02-29']
	co2_midtrop: 399.4807513123356
	ch4_midtrop: 1777.6292412193486
	sf6_midtrop: nan
	co2_midtrop_each_sensor: {'co2medusa': 399.78462380952374, 'co2': 399.4807513123356, 'co2ao2': 399.5074406779646, 'co2qcls': 399.5083681318686}
	co2_midtrop_multi_sensor: 399.57029598292314
	co2_midtrop_multi_sensor_std: 0.12423819197777629
	flights: ['ATom-001-005', 'ATom-001-006', 'ATom-001-007']
	time: 2016-08-12
	year: 2016
	month: 8
	day: 12
	time_bound: ['2016-08-08' '2016-08-15']
	co2_midtrop: 401.8209256342961
	ch4_midtrop: 1807.2459388111874
	sf6_midtrop: 8.725645161290323
	co2_midtrop_each_sensor: {'co2medusa': 402.02111111111105, 'co2': 401.8209256342961, 'co2ao2': 402.07530161443543, 'co2qcls': 401.7788566985639}
	co2_midtrop_multi_sensor: 401.9240487646016
	co2_midtrop_multi_sensor_std: 0.12650458463735262
	flights: ['ATom-002-005', 'ATom-002-006', 'ATom-002-007']
	time: 2017-02-09
	year: 2017
	month: 2
	day: 9
	time_bound: ['2017-02-05' '2017-02-13']
	co2_midtrop: 401.6626432950187
	ch4_midtrop: 1779.0338237547899
	sf6_midtrop: 8.88076923076923
	co2_midtrop_each_sensor: {'co2pfp': 401.82666666666665, 'co2medusa': 401.82, 'co2': 401.6626432950187, 'co2ao2': 401.98231889908277, 'co2qcls': 401.69255100000004}
	co2_midtrop_multi_sensor: 401.79683597215364
	co2_midtrop_multi_sensor_std: 0.11376589007001131
	flights: ['ATom-003-005', 'ATom-003-006', 'ATom-003-007', 'ATom-003-008']
	time: 2017-10-12
	year: 2017
	month: 10
	day: 12
	time_bound: ['2017-10-08' '2017-10-17']
	co2_midtrop: 403.8311729323306
	ch4_midtrop: 1818.8640955605722
	sf6_midtrop: 9.176737588652486
	co2_midtrop_each_sensor: {'co2pfp': 403.982, 'co2medusa': 403.9666666666667, 'co2': 403.8311729323306, 'co2ao2': 404.10546837606836, 'co2qcls': 403.91164988888926}
	co2_midtrop_multi_sensor: 403.959391572791
	co2_midtrop_multi_sensor_std: 0.0901352190553517
	flights: ['ATom-004-005', 'ATom-004-006', 'ATom-004-007', 'ATom-004-008']
	time: 2018-05-07
	year: 2018
	month: 5
	day: 7
	time_bound: ['2018-05-03' '2018-05-12']
	co2_midtrop: 404.7298901542988
	ch4_midtrop: 1810.0469434239528
	sf6_midtrop: 9.346344827586199
	co2_midtrop_each_sensor: {'co2pfp': 404.8257142857143, 'co2medusa': 404.7911764705882, 'co2': 404.7298901542988, 'co2ao2': 405.03511262376213, 'co2qcls': 404.8040194386701}
	co2_midtrop_multi_sensor: 404.83718259460676
	co2_midtrop_multi_sensor_std: 0.10395753426897729

Flight tracks

ncol = 3
nrow = 3

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 10))

gs_outer = gridspec.GridSpec(
    nrows=nrow, ncols=ncol,
    wspace=0.05, hspace=0.01,

for c, (i, j) in enumerate(product(range(nrow), range(ncol))):
    gs_inner = gs_outer[i, j].subgridspec(1, 100, wspace=0.2)
    axMap = fig.add_subplot(gs_inner[0, 60:], projection=ccrs.Gnomonic(central_latitude=-90.0, central_longitude=0.0)) #ccrs.SouthPolarStereo())
    axSex = fig.add_subplot(gs_inner[0, :60])
    axMap.set_extent([180, -180, -90,  -30], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())
    df_sub = obs_aircraft.groups_get_dataframe(df, campaigns[c], lump_orcas=True)
    fight_ids = list(df_sub.flight_id.unique())
    datestr = obs_aircraft.campaign_datestr(time_bound[c])
    palette_colors = sns.color_palette(figure_panels.sns_palette, len(fight_ids)).as_hex()
    for n, flight_id in enumerate(fight_ids):
        df_sub_sub = df_sub.loc[df_sub.flight_id == flight_id]

  , df_sub_sub.alt*1e-3, 
        axSex.set_ylim((-0.2, 14.8))
        axSex.set_xlim(-87.25, -28.75)
        if j == 0:
            axSex.set_ylabel('Altitude [km]')
        if i == nrow - 1:
            axSex.set_xlabel('Latitude [°N]')
    axSex.set_title(campaigns[c], loc='left')
    axSex.set_title(datestr, x=1.68, ha='right')
    l, b, w, h = axSex.get_position().bounds
    axSex.set_position([l, b+0.034, w*0.99, h*0.72])


Meridional CO2 sections

Load latitude-altitude bin-averaged dataset

ds = datasets.aircraft_sections()
Dimensions:       (z: 22, y: 20, time: 9, ye: 20, ze: 23)
    ALT           (z, y) float64 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 ... 10.75 10.75 10.75 10.75
    LAT           (z, y) float64 -78.75 -76.25 -73.75 ... -36.25 -33.75 -31.25
    campaigns     (time) <U7 'HIPPO-1' 'HIPPO-2' 'HIPPO-3' ... 'ATom-3' 'ATom-4'
    month         (time) int64 1 11 4 8 2 8 2 10 5
  * time          (time) datetime64[ns] 2009-01-20 2009-11-11 ... 2018-05-07
  * y             (y) float64 -78.75 -76.25 -73.75 ... -36.25 -33.75 -31.25
  * ye            (ye) float64 -80.0 -77.5 -75.0 -72.5 ... -37.5 -35.0 -32.5
    year          (time) int64 2009 2009 2010 2011 2016 2016 2017 2017 2018
  * z             (z) float64 0.25 0.75 1.25 1.75 2.25 ... 9.25 9.75 10.25 10.75
  * ze            (ze) float64 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 ... 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0
Data variables:
    CO2_binned    (time, z, y) float64 nan nan nan nan ... 406.0 405.9 405.6
    DCO2_binned   (time, z, y) float64 nan nan nan nan ... 1.148 1.03 0.7236
    N_CO2         (time, z, y) float64 nan nan nan nan ... 56.0 209.0 252.0 66.0
    N_DCO2        (time, z, y) float64 nan nan nan nan ... 56.0 209.0 252.0 66.0
    THETA         (time, z, y) float64 nan nan nan nan ... 327.8 336.2 336.9
    THETA_binned  (time, z, y) float64 nan nan nan nan ... 327.3 336.5 337.4

Visualize sections

fig, axs = util.canvas(3, 3, 
                       figsize=(16/3, 10/3), 
                       hspace=0.3, wspace=0.12,
                       width_ratios=[1, 1, 1,],

for n, i in enumerate(np.argsort(ds.month.values)):
    ax = axs[np.unravel_index(n, (3, 3))]
    if not np.isnan(ds.DCO2_binned.isel(time=i)).all():
        co2_ref = campaign_info[ds.campaigns.values[i]]['co2_midtrop_multi_sensor']
        vmin, vmax = np.array(figure_panels.co2_anom_bounds) + co2_ref
        divnorm = colors.TwoSlopeNorm(vmin=vmin, vcenter=co2_ref, vmax=vmax)  
        cf = ax.pcolormesh(
            ds.y, ds.z, ds.CO2_binned.isel(time=i),
        cs = ax.contour(
            ds.LAT, ds.ALT, ds.THETA.isel(time=i),
            levels=np.arange(255., 350., 10.),
        lb = plt.clabel(cs, fontsize=8, inline=True, fmt='%d')    
        cb = plt.colorbar(cf, ax=ax, pad=0.02)'ppm', loc='left')
    tb = campaign_info[ds.campaigns.values[i]]['time_bound']    
    date_str = obs_aircraft.campaign_datestr(tb)
    ax.set_title(date_str, loc='right')
    ax.set_title(ds.campaigns.values[i], loc='left')
    ax.set_ylim((0, 10.5))
    ax.set_xlim(-81.25, -28.75)

    if n%ncol == 0:
            ax.set_ylabel('Altitude [km]')

    if n >= (nrow-1) * ncol:
        ax.set_xlabel('Latitude [°N]')
