
Installing and running VAPOR3 has become a more streamlined process since VAPOR2.  All you need to do are the following steps:

1) Register an account with our website here.

2) Download the version of VAPOR3 that corresponds to your operating system. 

Supported OS's include:

  • OSX versions 10+
  • Windows versions 7 and 10
  • RedHat version 7
  • Ubuntu versions 14.04 and 16.04

3) Run the downloaded file accordingly to your respective system


Double click on the downloaded .dmg file.  Once the Finder window pops up, drag the Vapor icon into the Applications folder.
Run the downloaded .exe file.  A wizard will step you through the installer settings necessary for setup.
Run the downloaded .sh script in a terminal window.  It will prompt you as to where the binaries will be installed. For example:

% sh

