Exporting Visualizations#
VAPOR allows users to save visualizations either as a single image or as an image sequence.
Saving a Single Image#
Go to the Capture menu at the top of the application.
Select Single image.
Choose the desired file format (TIFF or PNG).
Specify the location for the file and click Save.

Saving an Image Sequence#
Go to the Capture menu at the top of the application.
Select Image Sequence.
Choose the desired file format (TIFF or PNG).
Specify the location for the sequence of files and click Save
This will begin capturing the image sequence. Each time the rendering changes a new frame will be captured. Using the animation controls at the top of the application will play through and capture each timestep, while adjusting the camera settings will provide and capture different views of the visualization.
When you have captured all the frames you want, go to the Capture menu again and select End Image Capture. Your captured images will be saved at the location you specified.