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Flashing Microcontrollers

Each station node is build with a microcontroller as its brain. Each microcontroller is connected to one or more sensors either directly or by hubs -- Grove hubs or Qwiic hubs.

openIotWx is designed to be used with the m5Stack Atom Lite ESP32-Pico based microcontroller, but it is possible to connect other microcontroller devices with a few modifications to the code. Technically any ESP32 chip with enough memory would work. That being said, the M5 atom lite is quite cheap and easy to purchase, and we thus suggest that one.

IoTwx library installation

Before compiling the microcode onto the Arduino, you will also need to install the IoTwx library which controls the communications and initialization functions of the station.

IoTwx Library

The library can found at the following repository. It should be installed in your Arduino/libraries directory and once installed, you may use it by the #include "IoTwx.h" directive.

Preparing Your System

First, download Arduino 1.8 - this is an old release but in order to use the correct data format, SPIFFS, you must use Arduino 1.8. Download Arduino 1.8.19 following this link. If this is changed in Arduino IDE, IoTWX will adapt accordingly.

Next, Underneath the boards manager, download the Espressif add the following URL to the list of Boards Manager list so that "ESP32 Dev" appears via File->Preferences->Additional Boards Manager URLs

There are a few other steps you will need to complete:

Next, download the following packages. The easiest way to do this is to follow the github links and click download as zip. From there, in the ‘manage libraries’ functionality of Arduino (under sketch), you can add a library from a .ZIP. Do this with all packages that aren't native in the Arduino IDE library set.

If ESP32 isn't appearing underneath the board manager, download it (see previous steps). Once ESP32 is downloaded, select it within board manager toolbar setting. When selecting what board to use, under ESP32 Arduino, choose 'ESP32 Dev Module'

This will add a number of options underneath your tools section. Select:

  • Upload speed 115200
  • CPU Frequency: 240
  • Flash Frequency:80
  • Flash mode: QIO
  • Flash size: 4 MB
  • Partition scheme: Huge APP
  • PSram: disabled

Leave the rest as default if that setting was not already the default mode

Cloning the file structure

Next, clone the Github respository into Arduino. Alternatively, click this link and download the zip of the file structure. There should be code, a data directory, and within the data directory, a config.json

Editing Configuration Files

Your microcontroller must contain a user-customized configuration file to operate. The file contains information about Network Connection (WiFi), MQTT (the way your station will send data) connections and some other relevant information.

The microntroller uses an ESP32 SPIFFS filesystem to store the configuration. In the folder that you will flash onto your mictrocontroller using the sketch data upload interface, you will find a /data folder which contains a config.json file. This config allows for identification and choice with upload destination.

If the data folder isn't appearing, don't worry. Just create a data folder in the Arduino sketch folder. Inside of that, put the json and contents in and it should work.

Understanding the config.json file

A model config file looks something like this:


The details of each key are described below.

key value / description
iotwx_local_config always set to "1"
iotwx_id contains a unique identifier for you station as a whole. This identifier is also used in the data portal. (e.g. "iotwx-co-bb83")
iotwx_mq_ip the ip address (e.g. "") of the MQTT broker you will be using. At the moment only one such broker is allowed. You may use the FQDN ("mymqttsite.wx") but the IP address uses less power by reducing the time WiFi is on to do DNS lookups.
iotwx_mq_port the port number of the broker, which is typically "1883" for non-SSL and "8883" for SSL.
iotwx_publish_interval the interval you wish your station to transmit in minutes. Note: The stations only transmit when there is data to transmit.
iotwx_reset_interval Minutes between system resets. The nodes are designed to reset every 6 hours or twice daily. Reset is instantaneous and the system is restored to full functionality in 90 seconds after the Bluetooth acquisition phase. (e.g. "1" for 1 minute)
iotwx_sensor the sensor string for the node and may vary based on the node. Typically do not change this value from what is contained in the default for your station.
iotwx_timezone the GMT offset in seconds of the station timezone. (e.g. "21600")
iotwx_wifi_pwd and iotwx_wifi_ssid are the corresponding wifi password and ssid of the network your node will connect to. Note, it is not necessary (but would be unusual) for all nodes to connect to the same WiFi network. (e.g. "your_wifi" and "your_password")
iotwx_topic the MQTT topic your node will publish to. It is not necessary for all nodes to publish to the same topic, but if you are using the CHORDS MQTT Orchestrator (GitHub - NCAR/chords-mqtt-orchestrator), then you will need to adjust it accordingly to route your messages where they belong. The current default is "iotwx/net".
iotwx_max_frequency is the CPU frequency (in Mhz) you wish your node to run on. The m5Stack Atom Lite can be run from 40-240Mhz. Varying the value has power-saving benefits - up to 50% reduction in total power consumption.

Flashing onto the microcontroller

Once you have everything set up within Arduino IDE, compile everything you just did. If that works with no errors, plug the microcontroller into your computer, and flash onto it. Additionally, make sure to do an ESP32 Sketch Data Upload (under Tools). This will upload your config.json. You don't need to reflash the whole microcontroller if you need to update the config, just redo this step.

Configuring data upload

While this isn't necessarily under the direct purview of openIoTwx, and is more covered by whatever orchestrator and other clients you decide to use, it is worth noting that your topic in the config needs to then be matched and set up within your orchestrator and then in your data collection / visualization client (CHORDS for us).

You can learn more about CHORDS at