I'm using romsvdfcreate to create a vdf and populate a vdc from three roms output files (wc12_ccsra31_his_cycle_avg_29227.nc wc12_ccsra31_his_cycle_avg_29231.nc wc12_ccsra31_his_cycle_avg_29235.nc) and a grid file (UCSC_grid.nc) using:
/usr/share/vapor-2.5.0/bin/romsvdfcreate wc12_ccsra31_his_cycle_avg_29227.nc wc12_ccsra31_his_cycle_avg_29231.nc wc12_ccsra31_his_cycle_avg_29235.nc /data/datasets/grids/UCSC_grid.nc /home/smcc/dynamic_data/projects/projects2017/visualization/vapor/roms.vdf
When I load the vdf into vaporgui, the coordinate space looks just like a line rather than a box of some sort. I cannot seem to stretch the dimensions into a box, which suggests to me that I have a problem with the layered grid in my vdf and vdc. The vdc does contain a subdirectory called ELEVATION and another called h.
Any suggestion as to how to proceed?
Best fishes
Sam McClatchie,
Supervisory oceanographer,
NOAA lead for the CalCOFI program
Southwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA,
8901 La Jolla Shores Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92037-1509, U.S.A.
Hi Sam,
Do you have a dropbox or ftp link to a data file along with the grid? I'll see if I can reproduce it.
Hi Scott
Yes, I do. Please send me your email to sam.mcclatchie@noaa.gov and I will share the files with you.