I'm trying to convert an netCDF file to vdf. My variable (b) varies in x,y,z, and t. When I use "ncdfvdfcreate -dims 64x64x1 -vars b -vars3d b -numts 10 -timedims t -timevars t -extents -1:-1:0:1:1:1 test.nc test.vdf" I get this output:
Created VDF file:
Num time steps : 10
3D Variable names :
2DXY Variable names :
2DXZ Variable names :
2DYZ Variable names :
Excluded 3D Variable names : b
Excluded 2D Variable names :
Coordinate extents : -1 -1 0 1 1 1
I'm not sure this is a problem, but when I then use "ncdf2vdf -vars b -numts 10 -timedims t test.nc test.vdf", I get an error:
Invalid variable type
Failed to open VDC variable "b" at time step...
Any help would be appreciated!
Can you post the output of "ncdump -h test.nc"