I have followed carefully the tutorial of using NCL images in VAPOR (https://www.vapor.ucar.edu/sites/default/files/docs/VAPOR-WRF-NCL.pdf) but have had difficulties with the conversion of tiffs to geotiffs (commanded inside the NCL script wrf_Height_Final.ncl). The NCL script can create the image "plt_HeightLevel_temp.tiff" but then the utility tiff2geotiff results always in "Segmentation fault". Tested in Lubuntu 16 under VirtualBox and standalone powerfull PC machine (XEON processor, 16 GB RAM) running CentOs 7, all with the same results. I have tested the version 2.5.0, 2.6.0RC1 and development version 3.0.0, always with the same error. Interestingly, when I prepare the "non-georeferenced" tiffs and run the program tiff2geotiff in Windows at a notebook }runnig VAPOR 2.6.0RC1), it runs OK and adds the georeference info to the "plain" tiffs. The Linux version is apparently broken at all of the Linux machines I could use.
The command (prompted by the NCL script or written in bash separately) and the output are as follows:
tiff2geotiff -4 " +proj=lcc +ellps=WGS84 +lon_0=10 +lat_0=50 +lat_1=45 +lat_2=55" -m ./plt_HeightLevel.dat ./plt_HeightLevel_temp.tiff ./plt_HeightLevel.tiff
Segmentation fault (core dumped).
I have checked almost everything,have even experimented with setting of PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH etc but without success. I have searched the Internet but have not found any hint how to solve the issue.
Any ideas?