Capturing images and flow lines

VAPOR offers several different ways of capturing images and flow line data.

From the Capture menu (at the top of the main window) the following actions are supported:

  • Capture single image of Visualizer No. 0:   The user will be prompted for a jpg or tiff file name.  This causes VAPOR to capture either a jpeg or tiff file of the image displayed in the Visualizer 0 window.  When multiple visualizers are displayed, this will capture the image in the current selected visualizer.
  • Begin image capture sequence in Visualizer No. ... : The user will be prompted for a jpeg or tiff file name.  Each subsequent rendering in the specified visualizer will result in saving the visualizer image to a file, that will use the name specified.  The file name ends with a 4-digit number that is incremented each frame.
  • End image capture sequence.  This is only available if an image capture sequence is in progress.  The capture is ended.
  • Begin flow capture sequence in Visualizer ... :  This is used to capture a sequence of steady flow lines, using the current active Flow tab in the current active visualizer.  One file is captured at each subsequent flow rendering until "End flow capture sequence" is selected.  Each file (ascii text) includes all the points (in user coordinates) along a steady flow line, as follows:
    • Three integers indicating the time step, the number of points, and the index of the seed point relative to the start of the sequence.
    • A sequence consisting of a triple of floating point user coordinate values for each point along the flow line.  The first and/or the last point may be 1.e30, indicating the corresponding point is outside the current Region.
  • End flow capture sequence:  Terminate the flow capture

In the Probe and 2D tabs there is a button "Capture Image" (located below the image display.  Click this button to capture a single jpeg file of the image that is displayed in the tab.  

When the Probe is of type "Flow Image" and is enabled, click the button "Start Capture Sequence" and specify a file name.  A sequence of jpeg files will be captured until "Stop Capture Sequence" is pressed.

In the Flow tab there is a button "Save Flow".  Click this when flow is enabled to capture a text file of the current flow.  This will capture one time step of a steady flow, or all time steps of an unsteady flow.  The data consists of one line of 4 values for each point along the flow line.  The (x,y,z) coordinates are the first 3 values, and the fourth is the time step.  The point coordinates saved are 1.e30 if the flow line has left the current region, and -1.e30 if the point is a critical point (zero field value).