VAPOR Source Windows Installation

Note that currently, on Windows, only the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 build is supported. This can be used to build 64-bit (x64) versions of VAPOR. Send e-mail to if you have questions or problems with the Windows source build.

Note: it is strongly recommended that the binary installation be used if at all possible. Building from source can be difficult and time consuming.

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 is required.

The current 3rd party libraries for a Windows Source installation can be viewed here.

Libraries and header files for the above can be downloaded here:

Download and unzip these files, creating directories named "Vapor3rdParty", plus "vaporwin64deps"

The VAPOR source download file is the same for Windows and Linux. On Windows, it’s necessary to have the programs "gunzip" and "tar" on the Windows machine. These programs can be obtained by installing Cygwin from the website. To convert the source download file to the full source code, first run 'gunzip vapor-2.6.0-src.tar.gz' and then run 'tar -xf vapor-2.6.0-src.tar'

Set the following environment variables, based on the files downloaded above:

  • PYTHON64ROOT = Vapor3rdParty\Python-2.7.12-64
  • QTDIR64 = vaporwin64deps\Qt\4.8.7
  • QTDIR = %QTDIR64%
  • VAPOR_WIN64_DEBUG_LIB_PATH = Vapor3rdParty\debugLib64
  • VAPOR_WIN64_RELEASE_LIB_PATH = Vapor3rdParty\releaseLib64
  • IDL_INC_PATH = Vapor3rdParty\IDLexternal\include
  • VAPORDEPS_INC_DIR = Vapor3rdParty\include
  • Path = [Path];vaporwin**deps\vapordlls
  • VAPOR_HOME = [root of source tree]

When debugging or testing VAPOR using the source code build, the PATH should include either vaporwin64deps\vapordlls.  VAPOR_HOME should be set to the root of the source tree.

Prior to execution the directory for loading VAPOR preferences must be specified.  This can be set by setting the HOME environment variable, or the VAPOR_PREFS_DIR environment variable to the absolute path of the directory where preferences will be saved.

Once these variables have been set, load the Visual Studio 2010 project from the vapor source tree at make/win32/common/common.sln .  You can build either debug or release.