VAPOR Unix Binary Installation

This document describes the VAPOR installation process for pre-compiled binaries on UNIX. If you have not already done so, download an appropriate VAPOR image from the download site. Unless otherwise noted in the release notes below, pre-compiled binaries are built with compiler optimization enabled, and IDL support turned on. Sites requiring a different configuration will need to build VAPOR from source code.

The binary installation process for UNIX is comprised of three basic steps: 1) unpacking the distribution image, 2) running the installation script, and 3) setting up the user environment.


Unpack the compressed tar file containing VAPOR into a scratch workspace (e.g. /tmp) and change working directories to the distribution subdirectory. The following commands might be used to unpack VAPOR version 1.0 on a Linux x86_64 system, for example:

      gunzip vapor-2.0.0-Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
      tar xf vapor-2.0.0-Linux_x86_64.tar
      cd vapor-2.0.0-Linux_x86_64


Next, run the vapor-install.csh installation script providing a single argument informing the script of where to install VAPOR. For example the command

     ./vapor-install.csh /usr/local/apps

would install VAPOR executables, libraries, and examples in the directory /usr/local/apps/vapor-version, where version is the current version number. For example: /usr/local/apps/vapor-2.0.0

User Environment Setup

The VAPOR suite of applications relies on a number of shared libraries and other dependencies. Users are required to execute a configuration script prior to running any VAPOR commands. For convenience it is advised that users place this command in their login script (.login for C shell or .profile for other shells). Once the variables are set in the login script, there is no need to run the environment script files for each session.

C-shell derivative users (csh, tcsh)

If you are a C-shell (csh, tcsh) user you must execute the following command prior to running any VAPOR utilities:

           source vapor_home/bin/vapor-setup.csh

where vapor_home is the root of the installation directory for VAPOR (e.g. /usr/local/apps/vapor-2.0.0)

Bourne shell derivative users (ksh, bash, sh)

If you are a Bourne shell (sh, bash, ksh) user you must execute the following command prior to running any VAPOR utilities:

            . vapor_home/bin/

where vapor_home is the root of the installation directory for VAPOR (e.g. /usr/local/apps/vapor-2.0.0). Note the "." is the bourne shell command for sourcing a file.

Platform Specific Installation NotesAIX - all versions

Only command line utilities are distributed: the VAPOR GUI is NOT included.