I am an under grad at St. Cloud State University and have been doing modeling with CM1. I'd like to use VAPOR for some visualization but I can't seem to be able to create a vdf using the ncdfvdfcreate. I am only looking to bring over u,v,w winds for vector and parcel tracing along with theta (th) for a spatial reference to the main heat flux. Running NCDUMP provides:
ni = 500 ;
nj = 20 ;
nk = 250 ;
nip1 = 501 ;
njp1 = 21 ;
nkp1 = 251 ;
time = UNLIMITED ; // (121 currently)
one = 1 ;
ncl8 = 121 ;
ncl9 = 250 ;
ncl10 = 20 ;
ncl11 = 500 ;
float f_cor(one) ;
f_cor:long_name = "Coriolis parameter" ;
f_cor:units = "1/s" ;
float ztop(one) ;
ztop:units = "km" ;
float time(time) ;
time:long_name = "time since beginning of simulation" ;
time:units = "seconds" ;
float xh(ni) ;
xh:long_name = "west-east location of scalar grid points" ;
xh:units = "km" ;
float xf(nip1) ;
xf:long_name = "west-east location of staggered u grid points" ;
xf:units = "km" ;
float yh(nj) ;
yh:long_name = "south-north location of scalar grid points" ;
yh:units = "km" ;
float yf(njp1) ;
yf:long_name = "south-north location of staggered v grid points" ;
yf:units = "km" ;
float z(nk) ;
z:long_name = "nominal height of scalar grid points" ;
z:units = "km" ;
float zf(nkp1) ;
zf:long_name = "nominal height of staggered w grid points" ;
zf:units = "km" ;
float sws(time, nj, ni) ;
sws:long_name = "max windspeed at lowest level" ;
sws:units = "m/s" ;
float svs(time, nj, ni) ;
svs:long_name = "max vert vorticity at lowest level" ;
svs:units = "s-1" ;
float sps(time, nj, ni) ;
sps:long_name = "min pressure at lowest level" ;
sps:units = "Pa" ;
float sus(time, nj, ni) ;
sus:long_name = "max w at 5 km AGL" ;
sus:units = "m/s" ;
float shs(time, nj, ni) ;
shs:long_name = "max integrated updraft helicity" ;
shs:units = "m2/s2" ;
float th(time, nk, nj, ni) ;
th:long_name = "potential temperature" ;
th:units = "K" ;
float prs(time, nk, nj, ni) ;
prs:long_name = "pressure" ;
prs:units = "Pa" ;
float uinterp(time, nk, nj, ni) ;
uinterp:long_name = "velocity in x-direction, interpolated to scalar points" ;
uinterp:units = "m/s" ;
float vinterp(time, nk, nj, ni) ;
vinterp:long_name = "velocity in y-direction, interpolated to scalar points" ;
vinterp:units = "m/s" ;
float winterp(time, nk, nj, ni) ;
winterp:long_name = "velocity in z-direction, interpolated to scalar points" ;
winterp:units = "m/s" ;
float u(time, nk, nj, nip1) ;
u:long_name = "velocity in x-direction" ;
u:units = "m/s" ;
float v(time, nk, njp1, ni) ;
v:long_name = "velocity in y-direction" ;
v:units = "m/s" ;
float w(time, nkp1, nj, ni) ;
w:long_name = "velocity in z-direction" ;
w:units = "m/s" ;
float tke(time, nkp1, nj, ni) ;
tke:long_name = "subgrid turbulence kinetic energy" ;
tke:units = "m^2/s^2" ;
float kmh(time, nkp1, nj, ni) ;
kmh:long_name = "eddy mixing coefficient for momentum in the horizontal direction" ;
kmh:units = "m^2/s" ;
float kmv(time, nkp1, nj, ni) ;
kmv:long_name = "eddy mixing coefficient for momentum in the vertical direction" ;
kmv:units = "m^2/s" ;
float khh(time, nkp1, nj, ni) ;
khh:long_name = "eddy mixing coefficient for scalars in the horizontal direction" ;
khh:units = "m^2/s" ;
float khv(time, nkp1, nj, ni) ;
khv:long_name = "eddy mixing coefficient for scalars in the vertical direction" ;
khv:units = "m^2/s" ;
float ThetaAnom(ncl8, ncl9, ncl10, ncl11) ;
I can get Theta referenced in the VDF but cannot get the entire grid or my u,v, and w winds. In fact my wind variables are in the excluded 3D variable names.
Created VDF file:
Num time steps : 121
3D Variable names : th
2DXY Variable names :
2DXZ Variable names :
2DYZ Variable names :
Excluded 3D Variable names : khh khv kmh kmv tke u v w
Excluded 2D Variable names :
Coordinate extents : 0 0 0 1 0.04 0.5
Thank you for your time
Hi Marshall,
Please try the following invocation and see if it works for you:
ncdfvdfcreate -dims ni:nj:nk -timedim time -timevar time -vars <your ncdf files> output.vdf
cheers - jc
Hi Clyne
I got this error:
Type converter for option "-dims" failed to convert argument "ni:nj:nk"
Thank You,
Hi Clyne,
So there is an easy solution to this:
ncdfvdfcreate -timedims time -vars th:uinterp:vinterp:winterp /home/ahsadmin/Desktop/cm1data/cm1out3d_run1.nc cm1out3d_run1.vdf
The values uinterp/vinterp/winterp are all unstaggered by CM1 ahead of time. So you need to use those because otherwise its not on the same dimensions as other variables.
Thank you for your help.
Glad that you found a solution that would work for you!