I have data on the cubed-sphere grid and want to visualize them in vapor 2.5.0. I have read the Data Preparation guide, but cannot find a way to transfer my data to VDC. Could someone give me some advice?
By the way, does vapor support the data on an unstructured grid?
Liang Yin
Hi Liang,
Currently VAPOR only *natively* supports regular grids. Probably the only option for cubed-sphere data would be to extract and load one or more cube faces as a regular grid. There are some "hacks" in vapor to resample a limited set of unstructred grids to regular grids (e.g. MPAS and ICON model outputs).
VAPOR 3.0, which is planned for release later this year, will improve the generality of the meshes that we support great. But it is unlikely that we will be able to support unstructured grids natively (without regridding) before 2017 or 2018.