Error in command line utility usage

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Error in command line utility usage

I am trying to use Vapor for our 3-D hydrodynamic and tranpsort model.
I am trying general program to convert model output to the VAPOR format
To do this, I am using vdfCreate and raw2vdf.
The arguements for vdfCreate were obtained through the program. I am able to get vdfCreate working.

vdfCreate.exe -dimension 120x120x4 -numts 24 -level 3 -vars3d n1:n2:n3:
n4:n5:n6 -start 0.0 -deltat 60 C:\GEMSS\Apps\KBR-Lucapa\Output\BCDRun002\BCDRun0

After this, I got raw2vdf activated using the following command.
raw2vdf -ts 0 -varname n1 C:\GEMSS\Apps\KBR-Lucapa\Output\BCDRun002\BCDRun002.vdf C:\GEMSS\Apps\KBR-Lucapa\Output\BCDRun002\BCDRun002_VP10.raw

I get the following error message
raw2vdf : mkdir(./C:\GEMSS\Apps\KBR-Lucapa\Output\BCDRun002\BCDRun002_data) : No
raw2vdf : Failed to open variable "n1" for writing

Variables are n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6

I wrote the data to .raw file using the method available in VAPOR website

Do n = NFracSt, NFracEnd
Do id = 1, NPlumeGridX
Do jd = 1, NPlumeGridY
Do kd = 1, NPlumeGridZ
array(id,jd,kd) = WatConcCuts(id,jd,kd,n)
End Do
End Do
End Do
Inquire (IOLENGTH=rec_len) array
If(n >= 1 .and. n < 10) Then
Write(BufferFN,'(i1)') n
Write(BufferVN,'(a1,i1)') 'n',n
Else If(n > 10 .and. n <= 100) Then
Write(BufferFN,'(i2)') n
Write(BufferVN,'(a1,i2)') 'n',n
End If
file_name = scenario(1:len_trim(scenario))//'_VP'//BufferFN(1:len_trim(BufferFN))//BufferTime(1:len_trim(BufferTime))//'.raw'
Call GetUnitNumber(NFVPOut)
Open(NFVPOut,file=file_name(1:len_trim(file_name)),status = 'unknown',form='unformatted', access='direct',recl=rec_len)
Write(NFVPOut,rec=1) Array

String = 'raw2vdf -ts '//BufferTime(1:len_trim(BufferTime))//' -varname '//BufferVN(1:len_trim(BufferVN))//' '//VPFileName(1:len_trim(VPFileName))//&' '//file_name(1:len_trim(file_name))//Char(0)
Call ShellExecute(String)

I am not able to find out as whatelse I should do so that I can make it work.
Can you please check this up and provide me some ideas?
