Hi. I've successfully binary installed VAPOR on several Linux (Ubuntu) and Windows 7 systems. However, I have one Linux Ubuntu system that, when I run vaporgui, displays the following error message: "vaporgui: error while loading shared libraries: libexpat.so.0: failed to map segment from shared object: Cannot allocate memory".
System specs: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 3GB RAM (approx 1GB free) Intel Core 2 CPU 6320 NVIDIA Gallium 0.4 on NV4A 300GB free disk
ulimit -a shows unlimited for (data seg size, file size, max memory size, cpu time, virtual memory, and file locks)
Has anyone run across this shared object library message, and if so, is there a resolution?
Thanks, Mark
Can you source the vapor-setup command and then post the output from the command
ldd $VAPOR_HOME/bin/vaporgui
thanks - jc
Hi Clyne, i have the same problem, but, i'm trying change what you says but maybe i doing wrong, can you explain more cleary? My sincer apologize. Thanks.
Hi John,
output from "ldd $VAPOR_HOME/bin/vaporgui" is:
/usr/local/vapor-2.4.0.RC0/bin/vaporgui: error while loading shared libraries: libexpat.so.0: failed to map segment from shared object: Cannot allocate memory"
I'm also having this problem using VAPOR 2.4.0 on a system with Ubuntu, but with more free memory. Same output from "ldd $VAPOR_HOME/bin/vaporgui" as well. Any chance this was resolved?
There is a hopefully working version of libexpat.so.0 in
Can you try downloading this, and installing to $VAPOR_HOME/lib
and re-running vaporgui?
Hi Clyne,
I have downloaded your file, and now the error is :
/usr/local/vapor-2.4.0$ vaporgui: error while loading shared libraries: libpng12.so.0: failed to map segment from shared object: Cannot allocate memory
Any thought how to progress ?
I believe we're getting closer. We will also need to replace the libpng library, but this should be the last one. I've put a clean libpng library in
Please download this library and copy it to $VAPOR_HOME/lib. You will also need to change permissions to make it executable:
chmod 755 $VAPOR_HOME/lib/libpng.so.0
That should hopefully fix your problem. However, I'm still trying to understand why this problem is occurring. I've also put a script, vapor-debug.csh, at the same URL. Please download this, copy it to the root of the vapor-2.4.0-Linux_x86_64 install directory (the same directory that contains the installation script, vapor-install.csh), and run the script with the *exact same argument* that you used when you installed with vapor-install.csh. Please capture and mail the output to me at clyne@ucar.edu.
Hi Clyne,
Thanks for your rapid replay.
Indeed, the gui is now opened.
I have sent you the requested info.
There is a workaround for this problem (bug #1154), which appears to only occur on ubunto systems, and will be fixed in vapor release 2.4.2.
1. Download libexpat.so.0 and libpng12.so.0 from the URLs below:
2. Copy the files to $VAPOR_HOME/lib
cp libexpat.so.0 libpng12.so.0 $VAPOR_HOME/lib
3. Make the new libraries executable:
chmod +x $VAPOR_HOME/lib/libexpat.so.0 $VAPOR_HOME/lib/libpng12.so.0