Hi,I am getting an error when I try to install vapor .The following are copied form terminal:
yjane@YJane:/usr/vapor/vapor-2.3.0-Linux_x86_64$ ./vapor-install.csh
Usage: ./vapor-install.csh [-nocopy] [-root <root>] directory
I don't how to solve this problem and i can't install it
Please help me ! Thank you very much.
Hi Yangjian,
That installation script needs to know where you want to install vapor. To install to your home binary directory, type './vapor-install.csh ~/bin', or replace the ~/bin with whatever directory you want. After that, you'll need to run the vapor 'source' script, which tells vapor where its dependencies live, by typing 'source vapor_home/bin/vapor-setup.csh' (vapor_home is where you installed the program with the previous command).
More info here: