An issue with layered grid

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An issue with layered grid
Dear VAPOR staff, I have been trying to create a .vdf with "-gridtype layered" from my ARPS NetCDF data (uniform grid in X and Y, but stretched in the vertical; flat surface) using either: ncdfvdfcreate -timedims Time -vars3d QC -dim 842x562x82 arps.net018000 -gridtype layered test.vdf or vdfcreate -timedims Time -vars3d QC -dim 842x562x82 arps.net018000 -gridtype layered test.vdf In the former case, I get the error: "Invalid variable "NONE" " and in the latter no vdf files are created (no error message, but the -help options are displayed). Using the 2nd command removing the option "-gridtype layered" creates a .vdf file, but the cloud does not look reasonable (e.g., the cloud base appears erroneously too high) so that I believe I'm misusing the commands. I have tried other options (e.g., "stretched") Could you help solve this issue? Below is part of the output of 'ncdump -c' command: ----------------------------- dimensions: Time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) x = 842 ; y = 562 ; z = 82 ; x_stag = 843 ; y_stag = 563 ; z_stag = 83 ; zsoil = 2 ; nstyp = 4 ; nstyp_total = 5 ; variables: float x_stag(x_stag) ; x_stag:standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" ; x_stag:long_name = "X coordinate" ; x_stag:units = "m" ; x_stag:stagger = "X" ; float y_stag(y_stag) ; y_stag:standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" ; y_stag:long_name = "Y coordinate" ; y_stag:units = "m" ; y_stag:stagger = "Y" ; float z_stag(z_stag) ; z_stag:standard_name = "height" ; z_stag:long_name = "Z coordinate" ; z_stag:units = "m" ; z_stag:stagger = "Z" ; float ZP(z_stag, y, x) ; ZP:standard_name = "geopotential_height" ; ZP:long_name = "Physical height coordinate (MSL)" ; ZP:units = "m" ; ZP:stagger = "Z" ; . . . float QC(Time, z, y, x) ; QC:standard_name = "mass_fraction_of_cloud_liquid_water_in_air" ; QC:long_name = "Cloud water mixing ratio" ; QC:units = "1" ; QC:stagger = " " ; ---------------------------- Thank you very much in advance! Mauricio Oliveira

Hi Mauricio,

It looks like your conversion commands are intermixing your options with your input file.  The NetCDF file has to come second-to-last, followed by the vdf file:
ncdfvdfcreate [options] ncdf_file... vdf_file
ncdf2vdf [options] ncdf_file... vdf_file
Try that and let me know if it works.