Loading data

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Loading data


sorry but I just can't see how to load netCDF data with your software.

I assume it's possible, that's why I ask for help.


Formatting your data is a two step process. Step 1) create a .vdf metadata file that describes your model, and 2) convert your data contents into Vapor's wavelet-based representation called VDC (Vapor Data Collection). For netCDF data, you'll most likely use the ncdfvdfcreate command-line tool to create your .vdf (https://www.vapor.ucar.edu/docs/reference-manuals/ncdfvdfcreate); and then use another command-line tool called ncdf2vdf (https://www.vapor.ucar.edu/docs/reference-manuals/ncdf2vdf). If your data happens to be output from the MOM, POP, ROMS, or WRF models, you can use the 'vdcwizard' graphical tool to convert your data (which is not command-line based), or you can directly import the data by selecting Data->Import data into current session from Vapor's options menu. Hope that helps!

Thanks for your reply and detailed instructions.
I tried your suggestion of using ncdfvdfcreate (time arguments seem necessary) and then ncdf2vdf, but this seems too involved - I have to parse dataset to see the name of time dimension then create this vdf file with two separate programs to be able to load data, while I wonder why can't software do it for me. It's bundled with Python and there is excellent netCDF4 module, which can make this nuisance unnecessary, at least.

To be honest, I just wanted to try the software and see what 3D visualization options are available, and I've never heard about the formats you mention
but all my data sources produce nc files.
