ncdfvdfcreate command problem (staggered grid netcdf file)
Dear Vapor Staff,
I am trying to use vapor to visualize the PALM model's output netcdf data. Since you have palm visualization video in your gallery, I think I should be able to import the data to vapor. Yet, when I try to use the ncdfvdfcreate tool, I cannot make it support the staggered grid. I would be grateful if you could give me any suggestions on converting these data.
Below is the data structure generated by ncdump.
netcdf test_linefire_noncyc_3d {
time = UNLIMITED ; // (600 currently)
zu_3d = 82 ;
zw_3d = 82 ;
x = 161 ;
xu = 161 ;
y = 161 ;
yv = 161 ;
double time(time) ;
time:units = "seconds" ;
double zu_3d(zu_3d) ;
zu_3d:units = "meters" ;
double zw_3d(zw_3d) ;
zw_3d:units = "meters" ;
double x(x) ;
x:units = "meters" ;
double xu(xu) ;
xu:units = "meters" ;
double y(y) ;
y:units = "meters" ;
double yv(yv) ;
yv:units = "meters" ;
float u(time, zu_3d, y, xu) ;
u:units = "m/s" ;
u:long_name = "u" ;
float v(time, zu_3d, yv, x) ;
v:units = "m/s" ;
v:long_name = "v" ;
float w(time, zw_3d, y, x) ;
w:units = "m/s" ;
w:long_name = "w" ;
float p(time, zu_3d, y, x) ;
p:units = "Pa" ;
p:long_name = "p" ;
float pt(time, zu_3d, y, x) ;
pt:units = "K" ;
pt:long_name = "pt" ;
float e(time, zu_3d, y, x) ;
e:units = "m2/s2" ;
e:long_name = "e" ;
// global attributes:
:Conventions = "COARDS" ;
:title = "PALM 4.0 Rev: 2054 run: test_linefire_noncyc.00 host: lclocal 04-05-17 12:05:51" ;
:VAR_LIST = ";u;v;w;p;pt;e;" ;
When I use ncdfvdfcreate -xcoordvar x -ycoordvar y -zcoordvar zu_3d -timedims time -timevars time -stagdims x:y:zu_3d , the output shows like this:
Created VDF file:
Num time steps : 600
3D Variable names : u
2DXY Variable names :
2DXZ Variable names :
2DYZ Variable names :
Excluded 3D Variable names : e p pt v w
Excluded 2D Variable names :
Coordinate extents : 0 0 0 1 0.993789 0.503106
It only recognize one variables. When used without -stagdims, the output information looks like this:
Created VDF file:
Num time steps : 600
3D Variable names : e p pt u v w
2DXY Variable names :
2DXZ Variable names :
2DYZ Variable names :
Excluded 3D Variable names :
Excluded 2D Variable names :
Coordinate extents : 0 0 0 1 1 0.509317
It can generate the vdf file and ncdf2vdf also seems to work. But after using ncdf2vdf, when I loaded the vdf to vapor, everytime I click view the instance, vapor crashes. I think this is because the data was not created correctly.
Thank you so much.
Hi there. Vapor should definately not crash with your data. What version of Vapor are you running? What operating system? Also, can you share one of your NetCDF files with us so we can see if we can replicate the crash?
Thank you so much for your reply. I have just figured out that the crash was not caused by data convert. It was because that vapor installed in my windows computer cannot load any data. I loaded a wrf sample data from your website and it still crashes.
I then used vapor on my mac and all problem fixed.
My PC is a school one which I cannot use admin account so there is little I can do with it. So I will use the mac and linux version instead. For your information, my PC and vapor information are listed below: