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Hello, I have a question concerning the ncdfvdfcreate script.. If I try to generate a .vdf file out of my ncdf data I get the message that there are excluded variables that cannot be shown in vapor. What is the problem that the script does not take all of the variables existing? Michael

There are a few reasons this could happen.  If some variables had a different set of coordinate-variables than what was defined on the command line, this would be the result.  What was the command you used, and do you have an example file we could look at?

Hello, actually I just used ./netcdfvdfcreate data data.vdf Now I tried it with certain options and there was a different amount of excluded variables.. One option I used is the -dims option..could You explain what it causes exactly? You just can add 3 parameters(AxBxC),can't You? Another question I have is why the amount of variables that the output lists does not match with the amount of variables of my NCDF - data..e.g there is a CO - Variable that is not mentioned in the output. Thanks Michael

The -dims flag specifies the dimension of the 3D variables you wish to convert.  If you have variables that are on different grids, Vapor will look at the first 3D variable it finds and use those throughout the rest of the conversion.  This is because Vapor currently supports only one grid per VDF file.  So yes, if AxBxC are the dimensions of the 3D variables you would like to convert, then that's what you would add after the -dims flag.  This may also be why some of your variables like CO are being ommitted.  If it's a 2D variable, Vapor should find it automatically unless there are multiple 2D grids on the XY, XZ, or YZ axes.

If you haven't seen it already, I've linked more documentation on this below.  If you can upload one of your files to something like Google Drive or Dropbox and link to it, I can take a look at your file too if you like.

Hello, The CO variable for example is not even excluded, it is not listed in the output after I executed ncdfvdfcreate. Furthermore, I cannot see the the documentation You linked..
Okay, thanks. I have another question.. 1.If I want to create a .vdf file out of my ncdf data I need for EACH time step (that I want to be illustrated in vapor) ONE file, right? My problem at the moment is that I have ONE data consisting out of 24 time steps but if I try to convert it in .vdf the ./ncdfvdfcreate script just recognizes ONE time step.. 2.Lastly, I deleted every dimension except the ones which I need for chemical compounds,e.g. CO or NH3 etc.. I just have the time,x,y,z which are the dimensions for my variables.. But if I try to convert my data into vdf I there are not any variables that are in my vdf file..
If your time variable is 1D, that can be done by specifying it with the -timevars flag. If it has greater dimensionality, you'll need to use -timevars along with the -timedims flag.