The WRF has RAINNC and RAINC variables in accumulated form. Is there any way I can show the daily rainfall (subtracting the RAIN of previous day) in Vapor directly?
Yes, this is possible. Check out this the Advanced Usage section of this document. You will need to do something similar to what is shown below. I haven't tested this, so it may need modification, particularly for the timestep=0 edge case. Let me know if you need further help.
Yes, this is possible. Check out this the Advanced Usage section of this document. You will need to do something similar to what is shown below. I haven't tested this, so it may need modification, particularly for the timestep=0 edge case. Let me know if you need further help.
currentTime = vapor.TIMESTEP
refinement = vapor.REFINEMENT
lod = vapor.LOD
bounds = vapor.BOUNDS
dailyRainfall = RAINNC - vapor.Get3DVariable( currentTime-1, RAINNC, refinement, lod, bounds )