Unable to convert from netcdf to vdf

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Unable to convert from netcdf to vdf
Hi, I have a netcdf file 'Convec_01_01_.nc' which I am trying to convert to a vdf file using the ncdf2vdf command through a script. In doing so, I am getting the following error message: Failed to initialize netCDF data collection for reading Option "-dimnames" is deprecated Option "-cnstnames" is deprecated Option "-cnstvals" is deprecated nc__open(-ts,) : No such file or directory NetCDFSimple::Initialize(-ts) Failed to initialize netCDF data collection for reading ------------------------ The details of my script file are as follows: echo "start netcdf to vdf conversion" vapor="test.vdf" nc="Convec_01_01_.nc" vdfcreate -dimension 64x64x64 -numts 10 -varnames bx:by:bz $vapor for n in {0..10..1} # {start end increment} do echo "start netcdf $n to vapor $n conversion" ncdf2vdf -ts $n -varname bx -dimnames x:y:z -cnstname time -cnstvals $n $vapor $nc ncdf2vdf -ts $n -varname by -dimnames x:y:z -cnstname time -cnstvals $n $vapor $nc ncdf2vdf -ts $n -varname bz -dimnames x:y:z -cnstname time -cnstvals $n $vapor $nc done ----------------------------- The details from ncdump header for "Convec_01_01_.nc" are as follows: netcdf Convec_01_01_ { dimensions: x = 64 ; y = 64 ; z = 64 ; lev = 64 ; time = UNLIMITED ; // (11 currently) variables: double x(x) ; x:units = "meter" ; x:standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" ; x:long_name = "X Coordinate at Tracer Points" ; double y(y) ; y:units = "meter" ; y:standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" ; y:long_name = "Y Coordinate at Tracer Points" ; double z(z) ; z:units = "meter" ; z:standard_name = "height" ; z:long_name = "Height" ; z:coordinate = "vertical" ; z:positive = "up" ; z:reference = "1290 m" ; double lev(lev) ; lev:long_name = "Level" ; lev:standard_name = "model_level_number" ; double time(time) ; time:units = "second" ; time:standard_name = "time" ; time:long_name = "Time" ; double bx(time, z, y, x) ; bx:standard_name = "bx_field" ; bx:long_name = "bx" ; bx:units = "tesla" ; bx:missing_value = 2.530421e-34f ; double by(time, z, y, x) ; by:standard_name = "by_field" ; by:long_name = "by" ; by:units = "tesla" ; by:missing_value = 2.530421e-34f ; double bz(time, z, y, x) ; bz:standard_name = "bz_field" ; bz:long_name = "bz" ; bz:units = "tesla" ; bz:missing_value = 2.530421e-34f ; double Th(time, z, y, x) ; double p(time, z, y, x) ; p:long_name = "pressure nonhydrostatic perturbation" ; p:units = "Pa" ; p:missing_value = 2.530421e-34f ; // global attributes: :history = "Mon Sep 5 14:48:52 2016: ncpdq -a time,x out.nc Convec_01_01_.nc\n", "Mon Sep 5 14:48:46 2016: ncpdq -a x,time tmp.out_01.nc out_01.nc\n", "Mon Sep 5 14:48:45 2016: ncpdq -a time,y out_01.nc tmp.out_01.nc\n", "Mon Sep 5 14:48:40 2016: ncpdq -a y,time Convec_01_01_001.nc tmpConvec_01_01_001.nc\n", "NCDFtest2" ; :nco_openmp_thread_number = 1 ; :title = "PiotroZ" ; :institution = "NCAR/MMM" ; :source = "MMMM/EULAG" ; :comment = "The x (abscissa) and y (ordinate) rectangular coordinates have the standard_name attribute values projection_x_coordinate and projection_y_coordinate respectively " ; } ---------------------- My system details are as follows: System Version: OS X 10.11.6 (15G31) Kernel Version: Darwin 15.6.0 ----------------- I am using netcdf library version "3.6.3" Looking forward to your replies. Regards Avijeet