VAPOR python clashes with python from cygwin

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VAPOR python clashes with python from cygwin

After installing VAPOR on windows 8.1 I could no longer use python from cygwin. The problem was that the PYTHONPATH was set to the python that comes with vapor, I modified both PATH and PYTHONPATH in cygwin so that there was not mention of the VAPOR directory in my PATH and also to direct PYTHONPATH to the cygwin python but that did not solve the problem.

I understand this is probably not a vapor problem but I am wondering if I can install vapor without python? (Im new to VAPOR so I do not know how critical is python for it.) Alternatively, are there other solutions someone may suggest?

Has anyone encountered this problem before?

I had to uninstall VAPOR (which solved the problem) but I would like to be able to use it.




VAPOR only uses Python for calculating derived variables, so you can use VAPOR without python.  But you have identified a problem that we need to resolve, so I'll look at it and see if there is a good solution.  In the meantime, you can set the PYTHONHOME variable whenever you need to use VAPOR with Python, otherwise leave it unset (or set to wherever you need it in Cywin).



Indeed a significant problem. I'm currently using VAPOR in a class, where we also use "normal" Python (mostly the Canopy distribution) in exercises. Students using all sorts of systems -- Lunix, MacOS and Windows -- have problems with this. I'm running Windows 7, and I have to unset/set PYTHONHOME all the time; it must be off when using Canopy (which can't even start if it is set), and it must be on when using Python in VAPOR (which crashes upon opening the Python edit menu if it isn't). Since I recommend (and practice) that one should try out more complicated Python things in a separate Python environment first, and only then add it to the startup script, the problem is quite annoying.

A solution could be that you rely instead on a VAPOR-specific environment variable, using that to locate the directories needed for VAPOR/Python, avoiding permanently setting any env var that Pyhon normally uses.

-- Cheers, Åke N


Thanks, Aake, this is definitely a problem that we will plan on fixing for the next release.  This is especially bad for Windows, however it should be avoidable on Linux and Mac if the users do not source the vapor setup script when they are running the other Python.

Nice to hear from you!
