Vapor for Win7 environmental setup problems

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Vapor for Win7 environmental setup problems
Hello ... I just unpacked latest Vapor binary 2.5.0 for windows 7 64 bit... This was successful, but i am having problems with the environmental setup as instructed. It says to run "vapor-setup" in DOS cmd terminal... Well i went to the directory where the "vapor-setup" files are stored and tried to run "vapor.setup", but only got an error message saying that it is not a recognized internal/external command, etc... When i start the vapor GUI i get a lot of error messages probably related to this issue... So I am stuck ... any suggestions to what i am doing wrong?... Thanks, Mr Inge Johannessen

Running vapor-setup on Windows is only necessary if you want to add Vapor and it's data conversion apps to your system path, so you shouldn't need to do this.  Can you try uninstalling Vapor and reinstalling?  Please let us know if there are still errors after that.  If you still want to add Vapor to your system path, I can help you with that too but it is largely unnecessary.