wrf2geotiff_write Don't crop corretly

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wrf2geotiff_write Don't crop corretly
I am a new user of VAPOR and I'm trying to crop an image of NCL to use in a georeferenced map used. I use NCL version 6.2.0, and Vapor 2.4.0.RC0-Linux_x86_64/Vapor 2.3.0-Linux_x86_x64 with the example wrf_Height_Final.ncl. I changed to True the followind command: wrf2geotiff_write(wrf2gtiff, a, times(it), wks, plot, False), and don't crop corretly. Domain size are: Time = UNLIMITED ; // (48 currently) DateStrLen = 19 ; west_east = 649 ; south_north = 399 ; bottom_top = 29 ; bottom_top_stag = 30 ; soil_layers_stag = 4 ; west_east_stag = 650 ; south_north_stag = 400 ; Image cropped:

Please try this with Vapor 2.4.0 RC0 .  The crop problem was fixed, although it might still be slightly off.



Sorry if I misunderstood your post.  Did you mean that you tried with both Vapor2.3.0 and with Vapor2.4.0RC0 ?  Was the the cropping error the same in both?  Which version of vapor was used for the image you posted?



Hi Alan, I tried with both and i have the same error. I follow the following steps: - ./vapor-install.csh /home/nameuser/apps - source /home/nameuser/apps/bin/vapor-install.csh Edit the file wrf_Height_Final.ncl. I replace: 2) wrffiles = systemfunc("ls ./HurricaneIKE/wrfout_d03_2008*") -> wrffiles = systemfunc("ls ../../wrfout*") 3) wrf2geotiff_write(wrf2gtiff, a, times(it), wks, plot, False) -> wrf2geotiff_write(wrf2gtiff, a, times(it), wks, plot, True) And finally: ncl wrf_Height_Final.ncl

Would you please repeat running this ncl script but do it on the jangmi data (which you can download from the vapor website)?  When I use vapor 2.4.0 there is only a slight (but significant) mismatch (about a 1% error in the vertical alignment).  If you can point me to your HurricaneIKE data I will try this on that data to see if the misalignment is greater.




I have attached an image that uses wrf2geotiff.ncl, showing the error in the crop position using the jangmi data.  It's about a 4% error in the vertical.  Is this comparable to the error you are seeing?


Using jamming data dont work exactly: Without crop: Using my data and ncl, using wrf2geotiff_write, without ZoomIN With ZoomIN: x_start = 7*dims(1)/20 x_end = 11*dims(1)/20 y_start = 5*dims(0)/20 y_end = 9*dims(0)/20 mpres@ZoomIn = True mpres@Xstart = x_start mpres@Ystart = y_start mpres@Xend = x_end mpres@Yend = y_end Crop never works well. Thanks.

Thanks for posting those images.  We are expecting a new release of NCL in about a month, and it will include a more accurate georeferencing/cropping capability.  We should also have another release of VAPOR soon; together these changes should resolve the cropping issues you are having.



