Power plant plumes' dispersion simulated by the WRF-CHEM LES mode is visualized using VAPOR. The modelled CO2 concentration is displayed with the proportional to simulated concentration. Wind vectors (Barbs) at a low-level (300m a.g.l.) are plotted simultaneously with a length scale proportional to wind speed. The forward trajectories of air masses at the emission point (seed at every 200m vertically) were calculated using the built-in tool of the VAPOR package, and visualized using color scales proportional to the altitude of air mass (Flow). In order to show turbulence structure in the convective boundary layer (10-17 LST), vertical wind fields were displayed at 300m high (Probs) (wind scale: lower left). Landuse map was obtained from 'Google Earth', and model topography (variable HGT) was overlaid with black & white to emboss the topography of the plot.