This fiugre is the simulation result for the Planent Boundary Layer(PBL) evolution of by the LES model PALM, which is developed at the Hannover university to determine two factors, which develop PBL, that one is Surface heat flux and another is geostrophic wind which is similar to sheer stress to PBL.
Using the Direct Volume Rendering(DVR) method, which are built in 3D visualizing tool, VAPOR, it is a visualization of the development of turbulence in the PBL and how the temperature spreads by analyzing potential temperature (PT) and vertical velocity (w) of two variables from the data shown in figure PALM results.
Vertical Velocity is expressed by the DVR method and potential temperature is visualized by the isosurface at PT = 304.1 K.
Comparing with the simulation data which is in the paper below, LES simulation value is confirmed as meaningful.
Impovement of the K-Profile Model for the Planentary boundary ayer based on large eddy simulation data - Y. Noh, W. G. Cheon, S. Y. Hong and S. Raasch (2003)