I'm currently running Vapor 2.5.0 (64bit) in a Windows 10 (64bit) PC where I also have installed IDL 8.4 (64bit). When I try to create a .vdf file from my data I get a message saying:
VDF_CREATE: Error loading sharable executable. Symbol: IDL_Load, File = C:\Program Files\NCAR\VAPOR\bin\libidl_vdfmodule.dll The specified module could not be found.
My system variables are correctly set. In the IDL console I can check this by doing
IDL> print,!DLM_PATH
C:\Program Files\Exelis\IDL84\bin\bin.x86_64;C:\Program Files\NCAR\VAPOR\bin
C:\Program Files\Exelis\IDL84\bin\bin.x86_64;C:\Program Files\NCAR\VAPOR\bin
I have checked it manually and the libidl_vdfmodule.dll is in that directory.
Did anyone tried to create a vdf file from IDL using this version of Vapor? If I install vapor 2.1.0 (32bit) and run the same IDL program (on the 32 bit version of IDL) with the corrected !DLM_PATH set, I can create the vdf file with no problems.
Dario, I think the problem is that the VAPOR installer no longer sets the path variable on Windows. We did set it in versions 2.3 and earlier. It appears that IDL requires the VAPOR dll's to be in the path. You should be able to fix this by setting the path to include $VAPOR_HOME\bin. You can set the path on the Windows menu from Control Panel -> system -> advanced system settings -> Environment Variables. Add %VAPOR_HOME%\bin to the path (separated by ";" from other values in the path). You can check that you have set the path properly by typing "vaporgui" into a console window and it should launch ok for you.
Once you set the path, restart the idl app and you should be able to run your idl program. Let me know if it works OK.
Thanks for reporting this problem,