Data Statistics

Vapor’s Statistics Utility offers users a convenient way to attain various metrics on their data.  This can help by making it easier to pinpoint specific values to visualize in Vapor’s renderers, resulting in more scientifically telling visualizations.  This tool can be run under the menu Data->Data Statistics.

Multiple variables can have their Minimum, Maximum, Mean, Median, and Standard Deviations calculated simultaneously.  These calculations can also be done at different levels of compression if the loaded data supports it.  The following diagram outlines the usage of the Statistics Utility. 

Variable Statistic Matrix - Displays the variables selected by the user alongside the statistics that have been selected for computation.  Default statistics include Minimum, Maximum, and Mean.  Optional statistics include the Median and Standard Deviation.

Variable Statistic Selection - Allows the user to select and remove variables to calculate statistics for, as well as the statistics that are calculated.

Compression Parameters - If the currently loaded data is a VDC that utilizes Vapor’s compression schema, the user may select the the Refinement and Level of Detail criteria on which the statistics will be calculated.

Temporal Extents - These specify the start and end points in time that the statistical calculations will be computed.

Export Text - Writes the current statistical calculation out to a user-selected .csv file.

Update Statistics - By default, statistics are not automatically regenerated after parameters are changed in order to save computation cycles.  Users must press the Update Statistics button after parameters are changed, or enabled the Auto Update feature.  When parameters are changed that will result in new statistical values, the Variable Statistic Matrix will turn red. 

Auto Update - Enforces a recalculation of the statistics after each change is made in the GUI. 

Region Selection - Displays the currently selected volume in space on which the statistical calculations are performed. 

Region Selection Tools - This section contains a set of tools that let the user specify the region in space that they would like their statistical calculations to be performed upon.  There are three ways to select the calculated region: 1) by defining the minimum and maximum extents of the X, Y, and Z axes (called Min/Max), 2) by selecting the center and size of each X, Y, and Z axis to sample (called Center/Size), and 3) by selecting a single point to calculate statistics upon (called Single Point).  These three options can be selected with the Region Tool Picker.

Region Tool Picker - Allows users to change their Region Selection Tool between the Min/Max, Center/Size, and Single Point options.

Copy Active Region - Copies the current Region being used in Vapor into the Region Selection table for statistical calculation. 

Restore Full Extents - Extends the extents in the Region Selection table to encompass the entire volume of the data domain.