There are default file directories that VAPOR GUI uses to read and write various files, including Session files, Metadata files, Image files, Transfer Functions, Flow points, and Python files.  Initially all the default directories are set to the current directory (from which vaporgui was launched) on Linux, and these directories are set to the value of the HOME environment variable on Windows or Mac.  These directories can be changed in the User Preferences panel.  To set a different directory, launch the User Prefences panel from the Edit menu, then click the "Session Defaults" button at the top of the panel.  In the section entitled "Default Directories", the directory can be specified in three different ways:  Either type in the directory path, or click the "Latest" button to use the path most recently used in the current session, or click the "file open" icon to select a directory.  Note:  The new default directories will not be used until the preferences are saved and vaporgui is restarted.