Vaporgui can import Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) data sets from the RAMSES cosmological simulation code. At this time vaporgui cannot render the AMR grids directly. The adaptive grids are resampled to uniform grids on-the-fly by vaporgui. Control of the resampling grid resolution is performed using vaporgui's refinement level, available on every rendering tab.

Because RAMSES output files have limited metadata information, an auxilliary metadata file must be created before importing a RAMSES dataset. The format of the file is very simple. The first line must contain a space-separated, ordered list of variable names that are mapped into RAMSES variable indecies. The first variable name is mapped to RAMSES variable index 1, the second to index 2, and so on. The second and any subsequent lines must contain the path to a RAMSES repository. Each repository listed must have identical dimensions, box length, and minimum refinement level. The path names specified in the metafile can be either absolute, or relative to the path to the metafile itself. The file extension for the auxilliary metafile must be ".txt"

The contents of an example user-created RAMSES metafile might look like:


density vx vy vz metal temperature

When importing RAMSES data into vaporgui the path to the auxilliary metafile should be specified as the file to import.

Release availability: version 2.5.0 and beyond