Dear VAPOR staff,
I have been trying to create a .vdf with "-gridtype layered" from my ARPS NetCDF data (uniform grid in X and Y, but stretched in the vertical; flat surface) using either:
ncdfvdfcreate -timedims Time -vars3d QC -dim 842x562x82 arps.net018000 -gridtype layered test.vdf
vdfcreate -timedims Time -vars3d QC -dim 842x562x82 arps.net018000 -gridtype layered test.vdf
In the former case, I get the error: "Invalid variable "NONE" " and in the latter no vdf files are created (no error message, but the -help options are displayed).
Using the 2nd command removing the option "-gridtype layered" creates a .vdf file, but the cloud does not look reasonable (e.g., the cloud base appears erroneously too high) so that I believe I'm misusing the commands. I have tried other options (e.g., "stretched") Could you help solve this issue?
Below is part of the output of 'ncdump -c' command:
Time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently)
x = 842 ;
y = 562 ;
z = 82 ;
x_stag = 843 ;
y_stag = 563 ;
z_stag = 83 ;
zsoil = 2 ;
nstyp = 4 ;
nstyp_total = 5 ;
float x_stag(x_stag) ;
x_stag:standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" ;
x_stag:long_name = "X coordinate" ;
x_stag:units = "m" ;
x_stag:stagger = "X" ;
float y_stag(y_stag) ;
y_stag:standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" ;
y_stag:long_name = "Y coordinate" ;
y_stag:units = "m" ;
y_stag:stagger = "Y" ;
float z_stag(z_stag) ;
z_stag:standard_name = "height" ;
z_stag:long_name = "Z coordinate" ;
z_stag:units = "m" ;
z_stag:stagger = "Z" ;
float ZP(z_stag, y, x) ;
ZP:standard_name = "geopotential_height" ;
ZP:long_name = "Physical height coordinate (MSL)" ;
ZP:units = "m" ;
ZP:stagger = "Z" ;
float QC(Time, z, y, x) ;
QC:standard_name = "mass_fraction_of_cloud_liquid_water_in_air" ;
QC:long_name = "Cloud water mixing ratio" ;
QC:units = "1" ;
QC:stagger = " " ;
Thank you very much in advance!
Mauricio Oliveira
Hi Mauricio,